Access to UNIX User Groups and Publications

Moderator, John S. Quarterman std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Wed Mar 16 23:33:38 AEST 1988

From: Dominic Dunlop <uunet!mcvax!!domo>

Hi John,

Don't know how far you want to go on UNIX-related periodicals.

[ Me neither.  Does anyone have any comments as to which of these
they would like to see in the usual UNIX User Groups and Publications
article?  If so, please mail to std-unix-request.  I'll summarize later,
probably by incorporating some of the listings from below into the article.
-mod ]

Here are six more possibles:

3B/Journal                      ``A publication written by 3B computer
Owens-Laing Publications Inc      users for the support of 3B computer
PO Box 2409                       users.''  Covers AT&T UNIX boxes.
Redmond WA 98073-2409
+1 206 868-0913                   $25/yr (US); $35/yr (Can); $82/yr (air)

AT&T Technical Journal            Not much to be said.  While few issues
AT&T Bell Laboratories            are devoted to UNIX, most turn out to
Circulation Dept.                 mention its applications.
Room 1K-424
101 J F Kennedy Parkway           Bimonthly
Short Hills NJ 07078              $40/yr (US); $50/yr (overseas)

+1 201 564-2582

Byte                              Concentrates mainly on personal
McGraw-Hill Inc.                  computer, but covers low end of UNIX
Phoenix Mill Lane                 market in some depth.
Peterborough NH 03458
+1 603 924-9281                   $22/yr (US); $25/yr(Mex,Can); $37/yr
                                  (surface); $69/yr (air,Europe)

The C Users Journal             ``A service of the C Users Group.''
R&D Publications Inc              Mainly DOS-oriented; some UNIX.
PO Box 97
McPherson KS 67460                Eight issues per year
                                  $20/yr (US/Mex/Can); $30/yr (overseas)
+1 316 241-1065

Microsoft Systems Journal         Concentrates mainly on MS-DOS and
Microsoft Corp                    OS/2; some references to Xenix 
666 Third Avenue                  creep in.
New York NY 10017
                                  Bimonthly (actually very sporadic)
800 533-6625                      $50/yr (US); $65/yr (Mex,Can);
800 533-3157 (Ohio)             ``International rates on request''
Overseas: contact local Microsoft office

Unique                          ``The UNIX System Information Source.''
Infopro Systems                   High-quality industry newsletter.
PO Box 220                        Emphasis on marketing implications of 
Rescue CA 95672                   technical developments.

+1 916 677-5870                   Monthly
                                  $79/yr (US,overseas); $99/yr (air)

Use it as you see fit.
Dominic Dunlop
domo at  domo at riddle.uucp

Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 31

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