calendar of UNIX-related events

Moderator, John S. Quarterman std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Tue Mar 15 04:15:07 AEST 1988

From: uunet!!hadron!avolio (Frederick M. Avolio)

Perhaps you could start including DECUS events if supplied? (I see
SUN User Group is listed.)  I understand that DECUS is more than Unix,
(it is a feature... I mean what else does Sun run ?:-) ) but the
UNISIG of DECUS US is getting pretty big and the seminars, etc. are
also very good.  I have Cc'ed the current UNISIG chair -- Kurt Reisler
-- on this so that perhaps he can supply you with the conference dates
if interested.



[ I've been listing UNISIG for quite a while in the article on UNIX
groups.  I used to list DECUS conferences there, too, but since I don't
usually go to them I've not been willing to spend time to track down
their schedules.  If somebody wants to send me that information, I'll
be glad to post it, both in the groups and calendar articles.

Similarly, the Apollo Domain Users' Group is now listed in the groups
article but not in the calendar, while Sun Users' Group is in both:
someone sent me the date for the next SUG, but nobody has for ADUS.

In other words, these informational compendia are real low-budget
operations, folks.  I post what I have at hand when posting time
(more or less every month to three months) comes.  -mod ]

Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 26

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