bug in profiling on the 3B15, SVR3.1.1

Stephen J. Friedl friedl at vsi.COM
Wed Dec 28 11:55:45 AEST 1988

[did I post this already?]

Machine:  AT&T 3B15

OS:	  UNIX System V Release 3.1.1

Problem:  cc(1) profiling doesn't work for any version of the C
          compiler.  When a program is compiled with  `-p', the
          resultant mon.out contains the subroutine call counts
          but does not show any accumulated time.  This is a bug
          in the kernel -- probably profil(2) -- and it has been
          verified by the AT&T Hotline.

Fix:      Get a VAX :-).


Stephen J. Friedl        3B2-kind-of-guy            friedl at vsi.com
V-Systems, Inc.                                 attmail!vsi!friedl
Santa Ana, CA  USA       +1 714 545 6442    {backbones}!vsi!friedl
Nancy Reagan on my new '89 Mustang GT Convertible: "Just say WOW!"

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