
Yaacov Haber haber at torah.UUCP
Thu Dec 29 06:44:17 AEST 1988

We are in need of a good commercial quality
data base program for the 3b1. We are presently using
dbase 3 but it is a very buggy version and has no support
as it is a buggy version. We need something similair that works
has good documentation and support. Does anyone have any
suggestions. I have no idea what is out there.


Rabbi Yaacov Haber                                            _-_ 
Torah Center of Buffalo                                    /~~   ~~\ 
2780 Main St.                                           /~~         ~~\
Buffalo, NY  14214                                     {               }
Tel. (716) 833-7881                                     \  _-     -_  /
                                                         ~~  \\ //  ~~
UUCP: ..!{boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!torah!haber         | |
Internet:  haber at cs.buffalo.edu                               | |
BITNET:  haber at sunybcs                                       // \\ 
                                                    "A tree of life for
                                                   those who embrace it"

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