shlib and curses on unix pc
David C. Albrecht
dca at kesmai.COM
Wed Jun 29 10:00:07 AEST 1988
In article <201 at elgar.UUCP>, ford at elgar.UUCP (Mike "Ford" Ditto) writes:
> If you want the shared library, use Tam. If you have a curses
> program, and it uses curses functions that are not also in Tam, don't
> use the shared library.
> options: -ltam -ltermlib -lc. The same rules apply to shlib as apply
> to normal libraries: You can link in any combination of libraries as
> long as they do not have global symbols with names that conflict with
> other. Curses and Tam can not be linked into the same program because
> they have functions with identical names that do different things.
Well, using the shared library should reduce the size of your executable
even if you don't substitute TAM functions for curses functions. I would
think you should be able to make a local copy of the shlib.ifile with
your executable and edit out any entries in the file that collide with
curses symbols. Then you wouldn't have to give up the size savings for
non-curses routines.
Anybody know how to force a physical scroll with curses? I have wm
half-way working and it really burns me that no matter what I do the
stupid curses won't use the hardware scroll even for full-size screens.
Really slows it down.
David Albrecht
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