June 1988 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jun 1 03:07:05 AEST 1988
Ending: Thu Jun 30 22:34:29 AEST 1988
Messages: 286
- Running AT&T's UNIX/386 on non-AT&T boxes
- Connecting Teac 360K drive to 6300
- NWINDOWS in /etc/master, can I increase it?
Roger Abrahams
- ph .phinit .phclr phupd ya ba dee ya ba dee yub
David C. Albrecht
- Unix PC accelerators
David C. Albrecht
- shlib and curses on unix pc
David C. Albrecht
- Help needed with 7300
Bob Ames
Bob Ames
- HDB and rel 3.0: Should I upgrade to HDB?
Bob Ames
- External full height drives?
Bob Ames
- Bug in HDB uucp
Bob "Rush" Ames
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a?
Bob "Rush" Ames
- OSFNAME[D[D[D[D name
Mike Azzara
Tom Baas
- accounting software for 3b1/PC7300
Darryl Baker
- Unix-PC
Tim Barba
- 7300 expansion questions
Patrick Barron
Bruce Becker
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
Edward C. Bennett
- Info wanted: Mitsubishi M4854 drives
Wilson H. Bent
- ph .phinit .phclr phupd ya ba dee ya ba dee yub
Nic Bernstein
- cpio and installable files...
Keith E. Bettinger
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
- HDB and rel 3.0: Should I upgrade to HDB?
David H. Brierley
- Mailer questions and a Curses bug (was: mailx for 3b1 ver 3.0)
Dave Brower
- turning pc off 1 year
Chris Brown
- AT&T FAX Connection for 6300 question
- 3B2 power supply needed
David J. Carpenter
- terminfo/ termcap for qume qvt102 terminal
Richard T Carson
- Using an Epson LX800 as a line printer and for nroff
Richard T Carson
- UNIXpc Gnu Emacs update (LONG)
Brant Cheikes
- UNIXpc per-process VM limit (Was: Re: Swapping and wmgr)
Brant Cheikes
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Paul S. R. Chisholm
- Does anybody know anything about PMX/Term from AT&T?
Paul S. R. Chisholm
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
Ronald O. Christian
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Alex S. Crain
- GNU C, GNU g++ & 2400 baud microcom
Alex S. Crain
- /bin/as
Alex S. Crain
- GNU C, GNU g++ & 2400 baud microcom
Alex S. Crain
- availability of fire sale 7300's
Alex S. Crain
Alex S. Crain
- gnu-cpp
Alex S. Crain
- make bug, gcc stuff, posting binaries, more diffs, LONG
Alex S. Crain
- HDB and rel 3.0: Should I upgrade to HDB?
Alex S. Crain
- GNU Emacs (was Re: Unix PC keyboard driver with meta key)
- WANTED: AT&T PC 6300 box
Brad Davis
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal (REALLY AT&T 630MTG)
Peter C. Dibble
- Unix-Pc Loadable Drivers
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- What's the OBM good for?
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- Loadable driver nipc breaks ipcs(1) on UNIX pc.
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- dead mouse on a 3B1
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- Unix PC ".lib" section (Was Re: UNIXpc per-process VM limit)
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- GNU C, GNU g++ & 2400 baud microcom
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- /bin/as
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- Unix PC ".lib" section (Was Re: UNIXpc per-process VM limit)
Mike "Ford" Ditto
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- diffs to get gcc-1.22 running on unix pc
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- Wanted Dead or Alive: A ps that displays all command args...
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- fuser
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- UNIX pc fan 27CFM vs. 34CFM and 12VDC vs. 120VAC?
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- shlib and curses on unix pc
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- AT&T FAX Connection for 6300 question
Steve Elias
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Keith Ericson
- What's the OBM good for?
Richard Foulk
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
Richard Foulk
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
Richard Foulk
Richard Foulk
- 3b1 67meg drive, self-parking?
Richard Foulk
- TeX for the 3b1
Jeffrey C. Fried
- Really, how *is* Gnumacs on a 3B2?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
Stephen J. Friedl
- Looking for code that breaks the 3B2 optimizer
Stephen J. Friedl
- has anybody put $VPATH into mk?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
Stephen J. Friedl
- fuser
Darren Friedlein
- ph questions
Darren Friedlein
- Does anybody know anything about PMX/Term from AT&T? (**LONG**)
Andrew L. Fryefield
Steven Goodman
- mailx for 3b1 ver 3.0
Jim Gottlieb
- Need a Unix PC
Ewan Grantham
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a?
Robert J. Granvin
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a (or
Robert J. Granvin
- ph .phinit .phclr phupd ya ba dee ya ba dee yub
Robert J. Granvin
- Hard disk and memory upgrade question
Jon L. Griffeth
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
Carl S. Gutekunst
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
Doug Gwyn
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Doug Gwyn
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
Doug Gwyn
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
Doug Gwyn
- AT&T 630MTG
Doug Gwyn
- UNIX Today! newspaper
Jan Harrington
- Bidirectional 2400 baud modem for 3B2
Jan Harrington
- Help with MSDOS 3.2 on AT&T 6300
Tom Haviland
- UNIX PC 7300 diags questions
Rob Healey
- Bidirectional 2400 baud modem for 3B2
Tim Hitchcock
- Need Advice on Making JOVE
Pete Holsberg
- Wanted Dead or Alive: A ps that displays all command args...
Pete Holsberg
- Does anybody know anything about PMX/Term from AT&T?
Paul Homchick
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
- 3B2 400 handshaking problems with HP LaserJet Series II
Keith Jackson
- PC6300 battery
Robert D. Jackson
- BIOS patch to AT&T DOS 3.2 to fix clock problem
Robert D. Jackson
- 2nd Hard Drive for pc6300+
Jarvis Jacobs
- CALLAN Unistar
Jonathan J. Jefferies
- scsi disk (IDT)
John, not Maurice
- ph .phinit .phclr phupd ya ba dee ya ba dee yub
Gil Kloepfer Jr.
Gil Kloepfer Jr.
- shlib and curses on unix pc
Gil Kloepfer Jr.
- Computone smart card
Bill Kennedy
Earl H. Kinmonth
- add on memory for ATT 6310
Earl H. Kinmonth
- UNIXpc Gnu Emacs update
Karl Kleinpaste
Karl Kleinpaste
- 6300+: more internal disks?
Kris Kugel
- Connecting Teac 360K drive to 6300
R. Brad Kummer
- Fan change in UNIX-PC
Dave Lampe
- 6300+: more internal disks?
Dave Levenson
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal (REALLY AT&T 630MTG)
Jeffrey R. Light
- Does anybody know anything about PMX/Term from AT&T?
Lou Major
- ph .phinit .phclr phupd ya ba dee ya ba dee yub
Bill Mayhew
- Does anyybody know anything about PMX/Term from AT&T?
Bill Mayhew
- What is the input voltage range for the Unix PC?
Bill Mayhew
- mailx for 3b1 ver 3.0
Sean McCollister
- Is There a MacDraw-like package for the Unix PC?
Bruce McKee
- What's the OBM good for?
Larry McVoy
- scsi disk (IDT)
Larry McVoy
~XT4103000~Marc Mengel~C25~G25~6184~
- Am I seeing things?
~XT4103000~Marc Mengel~C25~G25~6184~
- External full height drives?
- External full height drives?
- modem control on 3B2
Leslie Mikesell
- Does anybody know anything about PMX/Term from AT&T?
Leslie Mikesell
- 68020 in UNIXpc
John B. Milton
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
John B. Milton
- TeX for the 3b1
John B. Milton
- ph .phinit .phclr phupd ya ba dee ya ba dee yub
John B. Milton
- #class and asm() for UNIXpc
John B. Milton
- UNIX PC 7300 diags questions
John B. Milton
- shlib and curses on unix pc
Bob Mitchell
- What's the OBM good for?
Randy Orrison
- TeX for the 3b1
Randy Orrison
- TeX for the 3b1
Randy Orrison
- VOICE POWER boards -- What are their limitations?
jimmy at PIC.UCLA.EDU
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Wolf N. Paul
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Wolf N. Paul
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Wolf N. Paul
- PC6300 battery
Bill Pechter
- 3B1 System for sale
Raymond Jeczen Pittman
- Unix PC keyboard driver with meta key and other features (source)
Load Average Police
- Swapping and wmgr
Ford Prefect
- How much memory is left? (Re: Swapping and wmgr)
Ford Prefect
- UNIXpc per-process VM limit (Was: Re: Swapping and wmgr)
Ford Prefect
- Unix PC keyboard driver with meta key and other features (source)
Ford Prefect
- TeX on 3b2/400
Danny Quah
- 3B2 SCSI to CD-ROM
Steven M. Queriolo
- PC S/W for sale
Timothy Reed
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Timothy Reed
- has anybody put $VPATH into mk?
Rick Richardson
- wanted: VP/ix terminal configuration files
Prentiss Riddle
- 3B1 only echoes one character for every several typed
Prentiss Riddle
- 3B1 only echoes one character for every several typed
Prentiss Riddle
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Charlie Root
- /bin/as (now gcc)
Bob Rose
- GNU C, GNU g++ & 2400 baud microcom
Bob Rose
- diffs to get gcc-1.22 running on unixpc (3b1)
Bob Rose
Bob Rose
- diffs to get gcc-1.22 running on un
Bob Rose
- make bug, gcc stuff, ..., (No) more diffs (this time), LONG
Bob Rose
- Bidirectional 2400 baud modem for 3B2
Len Rose
- modem control on 3B2
- terminfo/ termcap for qume qvt102 terminal
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Dominick Samperi
- turning pc off 1 year
Gary Sanders
- scsi disk (IDT)
Gary Sanders
- UNIX pc fan 27CFM vs. 34CFM and 12VDC vs. 120VAC?
Gary Sanders
- HDB and rel 3.0: Should I upgrade to HDB?
Gary Sanders
- sysinfo data structure in Sys V kernel
Rich Sands
- Am I seeing things?
Pete Schmitt
- UNIX PC 7300 diags questions
Charles A. Sefranek
- Security on the 3B1 (was Re: Help needed with 7300)
Chris Siebenmann
- Mailer questions and a Curses bug (was: mailx for 3b1 ver 3.0)
Chris Siebenmann
- HDB and rel 3.0: Should I upgrade to HDB?
Chris Siebenmann
- Telebit Requests Information
Richard Siegel
- Wanted: 7300 motherboard
David Small
- shlib and curses on unix pc
Bradley Smith
- shlib and curses on unix pc
Bradley Smith
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Henry Spencer
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Henry Spencer
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Henry Spencer
- TeX for the 3b1
Jack Stephens
- Ventura Publisher over Starlan
Jack Stephens
- dead mouse on a 3B1
Jack Stephens
Richard Stevens
- WD2010 controller and >1024 cylinders
- TeX for the 3b1
- TeX for the 3b1
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a (or
John C. Sucilla
- turning pc off 1 year
John C. Sucilla
- Unix PC ".lib" section (Was Re: UNIXpc per-process VM limit)
John C. Sucilla
John C. Sucilla
- shlib and curses on unix pc
John C. Sucilla
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Randy Suess
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Randy Suess
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a?
Karl Swartz
- HDB and rel 3.0: Should I upgrade to HDB?
Karl Swartz
- TeX for the 3b1
Skip Tavakkolian
- MKS Toolkit/UNIX [r] System, SEA ARC/PKARC, ...
The Resource, Poet of Quality
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
D'Anne Thompson
- shlib and curses on unix pc
Tom Tkacik
- Problems with line printer on a unixpc
Tom Tkacik
- TeX for the 3b1
Harvard Townsend
- logininit: login information for /etc/profile (source)
Lenny Tropiano
- WD2010 controller and >1024 cylinders
Lenny Tropiano
- How much memory is left? (Re: Swapping and wmgr)
Lenny Tropiano
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a?
Lenny Tropiano
- Loadable driver nipc breaks ipcs(1) on UNIX pc.
Lenny Tropiano
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
Lenny Tropiano
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Lenny Tropiano
- 3 1/2" on the 7300 (Reposting of original)
Lenny Tropiano
- TeX for the 3b1
Lenny Tropiano
- Security Issues on the 3B1 *LONG* (was Re: Help needed with 7300)
Lenny Tropiano
- Wanted Dead or Alive: A ps that displays all command args...
Lenny Tropiano
- Security Issues on the 3B1 *LONG* (was Re: Help needed with 7300)
Lenny Tropiano
- UNIX pc fan 27CFM vs. 34CFM and 12VDC vs. 120VAC?
Lenny Tropiano
- VOICE POWER boards -- What are their limitations?
Lenny Tropiano
- UNIXPC Source: sysinfo.c (version 2.0) w/load avg. & memory info
Lenny Tropiano
- Problems with line printer on a unixpc
Lenny Tropiano
- TeX for the 3b1
Gary S. Trujillo
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Gary S. Trujillo
- System V.3 /bin/mail causes misbehaviour inside mail messages + fix-s
Adri Verhoef
- cpio -itv < problems
Adri Verhoef
- 6386 <-> 3B1 floppy compatibility?
- AT&T WGS 6386
- GNU C, GNU g++ & 2400 baud microcom
Darryl P. Wagoner
- mailx for 3b1 ver 3.0
Steve Wampler
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
Alex White
- afio
Norman Yarvin
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a?
Dave Yearke
- PC6300 battery
John Zavgren
- BSD stuff --> libndir and libdbm
Jon Zeeff
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
- 3.51a break-disk
wilber at alice.UUCP
- Mailer questions and a Curses bug (was: mailx for 3b1 ver 3.0)
wilber at alice.UUCP
- Info about the AT&T 620 terminal
mike bergknoff
- Need a f77 for 3b1 and 7300
tychan at bradley.UUCP
- Help needed with 7300
tychan at bradley.UUCP
- Need "macdraw" like for 3b1
tychan at bradley.UUCP
Joe_E_Powell at cup.portal.com
- UNIX PC 7300 diags questions
donp at cup.portal.com
- 68020/68881 on a UNIX PC
thad at cup.portal.com
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
thad at cup.portal.com
- Hard disk and memory upgrade question
thad at cup.portal.com
- Need a f77 for 3b1 and 7300
thad at cup.portal.com
- How to go past 1024
mark hilliard
- WD2010 controller and >1024 cylinders
mark hilliard
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
C J Luciano hotld
- 68020/68881 for Unix-PC
sbw at naucse.UUCP
- Using an Epson LX800 as a line pri
rjd at occrsh.ATT.COM
- Running AT&T's UNIX/386 on non-AT&T boxes
- OSFNAME[D[D[D[D name
fred sullivan
- AT&T vs. CSS (PC/Tools)
toma at tekgvs.UUCP
- Full screen shelss and UA ( was Re: Swapping and wmgr
eric townsend
- Need pd pascal compiler for 3b1.
eric townsend
- Is curses fixed on 3.51[a], or did AT&T goof again?
eric townsend
- Is curses fixed on 3.51[a], or did AT&T goof again?
j eric townsend
- mailx for 3b1 ver 3.0
j eric townsend
- Anybody got a copy of 3.5 they want to sell?
j eric townsend
- How many others use Virtual Device Interface?
j eric townsend
- HDB and rel 3.0: Should I upgrade to HDB?
j eric townsend
j eric townsend
- Listening to uucico dial the OBM
j eric townsend
- UNIX pc fan 27CFM vs. 34CFM and 12VDC vs. 120VAC?
j eric townsend
- GATHER and Say NO to MCA!
leein at uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu
- 3B20->3B15 tapes
carey at uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu
- 3B20 Tapes
carey at uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu
- TeX for the 3b1
hartman at uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu
- has anybody put $VPATH into mk?
hartman at uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu
- /bin/as
aglew at urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM
- /bin/as (now gcc)
aglew at urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM
- diffs to get gcc-1.22 running on un
aglew at urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM
- Which UNIX pc kernel is better? 3.51 or 3.51a?
David Herron -- One of the vertebrae
- 68020/68881 on a UNIX PC
David Herron -- One of the vertebrae
- 3 1/2" on the 7300
David Herron -- One of the vertebrae
- Bidirectional 2400 baud modem for 3B2
ilan343 at violet.berkeley.edu
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 22:34:29 AEST 1988
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:37:57 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).