cpio and installable files...
Keith E. Bettinger
bettingr at sunybcs.uucp
Fri Jun 17 01:14:52 AEST 1988
I'm so happy! I installed mailx and less from THE STORE!,
and they're nice. Mail was such a waste of life. Get them if you can.
There's one thing that I need to figure out. I formatted a floppy,
and copied the installable files from /usr/spool/uucppublic/STORE
onto /mnt before I installed them. When you are installing files
>from THE STORE!, you have the option of creating an installable
backup. This wastes one floppy per file. How can I merge the
installable files that I have on separate disks, onto more than
one per disk?
How would you use cpio to get installable files from the floppy into
a directory on the hard disk?
If you hadn't guessed, cpio makes no sense to me.
If anybody would like a copy of the current catalog, mailx or less,
mail me and we'll work something out.
Please send me a copy of your reply, I can no longer read news.
Also DON'T reply to the poster (He don't even have a unix-pc).
If mail to bedlam!bill bounces, mail to sunybcs!twomey, and it'll forward.
{rutgers | decvax | rocksvax } sunybcs!bedlam!bill
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