wanted: VP/ix terminal configuration files
Prentiss Riddle
riddle at woton.UUCP
Sat Jun 4 01:30:43 AEST 1988
Another question raised in our test drive of an AT&T 6386 running VP/ix
(a.k.a. Simul-Task 386):
In addition to the usual termcap and terminfo databases, VP/ix requires
a special set of terminal configuration files for use by DOS which are
stored in "/usr/vpix/term/". The configuration files shipped with our
copy of VP/ix only included a small subset of of the universe of
terminals. Notably absent were files for the AT&T 4410, 4415, 610 and
513 terminals. (Odd that AT&T would ship their own version of VP/ix
without support for their own terminals! I've called the hotline and
they don't have them, either.)
Does anyone out there have these missing terminal configuration files?
Our VP/ix manual includes an apprendix on how to build them, but we'd
like to avoid reinventing the wheel. Thanks.
-- Prentiss Riddle ("Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.")
-- Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.
-- riddle%woton.uucp at cs.utexas.edu uunet!ut-sally!cs.utexas.edu!woton!riddle
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