Running AT&T's UNIX/386 on non-AT&T boxes
wmh at mtuxo.UUCP
Tue Jun 7 07:15:32 AEST 1988
In article <398 at irs3.UUCP>, rshwake at irs3.UUCP (rshwake) writes:
> Having recently encountered some rather positive reviews of the
> 6386 and/or its implementation of UNIX, I'm wondering if the operating system
> alone will work on other 80386 boxes. I'm currently Microport's V/AT on a
> Zenith 248, and have experience with AT&T's Simultask running on their now-
> abandoned 6300+. Simultask (version 2.5) is/was notably better than V/AT
> (version 2.3), thus my interest.
> Ray Shwake
> R/S/X Technical Services
AT&T's UNIX System V/386 Release 3.1 system has been known to work reliably
on competitive 386 AT class hardware notably the COMPAQ and BELL Technologies
products. AT&T has not put this UNIX implementation through the rigorous test
suite as had been placed on the 6386 though.
For this reason and also because competitive manufacturers of hardware may in
the future engineer revisions to their products which disrupt the compatibility
they presently share with the 6386, AT&T will not warrant the operating system
for use on non-AT&T equipment nor provide HOTLINE support.
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