Mike "Ford" Ditto
ford at elgar.UUCP
Mon Jun 20 13:31:47 AEST 1988
In article <735 at naucse.UUCP> rrr at naucse.UUCP (Bob Rose ) writes:
>In article <1015 at umbc3.UMD.EDU>, alex at umbc3.UMD.EDU (Alex S. Crain) writes:
> > BTW: I use gcc-1.18 as my default compiler because I find it superior to
> > /bin/cc even without debugging support. (I will recompile w/ cc if I really
> > need sdb)
>I'm not sure about this. The way gcc does an interger multiply is gross!
>(it calls a routine that calls a routine that does a multiply)
Since the 68010 has no 32-bit multiply instruction, a library function
is the best way for the compiler to do it. The call-a-routine-that-
calls-a-routine is only if you haven't configured gcc to call the
standard library routine (the same one that the normal C compiler
uses). Gcc then will deffault to the multiply routine in the "gnulib"
library which really only exists for such "stub" routines.
-=] Ford [=-
"Once there were parking lots, (In Real Life: Mike Ditto)
now it's a peaceful oasis. ford at
This was a Pizza Hut, ...!sdcsvax!crash!kenobi!ford
now it's all covered with daisies." -- Talking Heads
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