dead mouse on a 3B1
Mike "Ford" Ditto
ford at elgar.UUCP
Sat Jun 11 14:49:11 AEST 1988
In article <37 at wzlr.UUCP> jms at wzlr.UUCP (Jack Stephens) writes:
>I am having a problem with my 3B1 runing 3.51. My mouse is locked
>in the upper right hand corner of the screen and won't move.
> [ ... ]
Remember that unplugging the keyboard or mouse will have unpredictable
results, usually causing the mouse and/or keyboard to stop working.
The user's manual says never to do either, and I have found that the
keyboard will never work once it has been unplugged. The mouse can
sometimes be plugged back in and still work. A reboot will fix either
problem (of course, if your keyboard is dead, you'd better do a
shutdown via an external terminal!).
-=] Ford [=-
"Once there were parking lots, (In Real Life: Mike Ditto)
now it's a peaceful oasis. ford%kenobi at crash.CTS.COM
This was a Pizza Hut, ...!sdcsvax!crash!kenobi!ford
now it's all covered with daisies." -- Talking Heads
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