Does anybody know anything about PMX/Term from AT&T?
Lou Major
major at
Sun Jun 26 13:41:25 AEST 1988
In article <738 at cgh.UUCP> paul at cgh.UUCP (Paul Homchick) writes:
>In article <1387 at lznv.ATT.COM> psc at lznv.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) writes:
>>I don't know of any AT&T products that let a PC running MS-DOS
>>communicate with uucp on a UNIX system. You could run PMX/PC on your
>>UNIX system, and send mail to it from Access PLUS. AT&T Mail *does*
>>know uucp, so you also could run Access PLUS on your PC to call up the
>>service, and go through a UNIX system that's registered with the
>Gee, that's too bad, I was rather hoping that STARMAIL did this. Maybe
>I have finally found someone who can explain how all of these AT&T E-mail
>products work.
There is a program called UUPC, which can act as a (almost) full uucp
site. I'm sure that it will work through a serial port, as well as through
a modem. The only things it doesn't do is
(a) send a file in response to a request from the 'calling' node.
(b) route mail past itself. All mail not for the localhost goes to
the "mail server" node.
(c) verify usernames against a /etc/passwd file.
It seems as though this might fill some of your needs, though not
all of them. The author(s) of uupc can be reached at
sl at van-bc.uucp
skl at van-bc.uucp
(boht skl and sl)
I can answer any informal questions, as can a couple of my friends who
actually USE it within their own internal networks. E-Mail me for
additional information.
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