AT&T 6386 and ctrm <waiting for clear to send> problems
J Belot
belot at pierce.UUCP
Sat Oct 15 00:05:22 AEST 1988
I thought I saw some press on this a while back, but I ignored
it. Now, all of a sudden, I'm having problems. Can
anyone give some help?
Problem: I have an AT&T 6386 WGS running CTRM 2.1.1 connecting
to unix systems via Datakit VCS. When I run ctrm first thing
in the morning, it hangs and says "waiting for clear to send".
To make it work, I disconnect the line and reconnect it from the
wall (or the back of the PC). But, if I quit ctrm and start ctrm
again, it comes up with no problem. Also, if I reboot, ctrm works
fine. And most of the time, I can shut the machine off and
restart and ctrm will work fine. My problem is usually only the
first time that I turn the machine on in the morning. After
breaking/making the rs232 connection, it works fine for the rest
of the day.
This is very bothersome, and also strange, since I had not had
this problem for over 10 months, running the exact same
configuration. I recall seeing something similar posted on the net
before. Perhaps if someone had similar problems and a good
solution, they could help.
-joe belot
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