October 1988 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Oct 1 01:21:36 AEST 1988
Ending: Mon Oct 31 23:25:16 AEST 1988
Messages: 266
- 3B2/300 vs 310
- 3b2/300 for sale
- Reduced price on 3b2/300 for sale
- Status of IDT?
J. E. Apedaile
- porting ARC to unix-pc
Dave Arnold
- help with arc
Dave Arnold
- WANTED: EIA/RAM expansion board
Dave Arnold
- KCL on a unix-pc
Dave Arnold
- Unix PC internals docs ?
Patrick Barron
- changing mail directory
Patrick Barron
- Editing binaries
Patrick Barron
- WINDOWS=7 patch for uucico 7300/3b1 ?
Patrick Barron
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05
Patrick Barron
- KCL on a unix-pc
Steven L. Baur
- Weird problem with vi... "Not that many lines in buffer"
Andrew Beattie
- 3B1 Serial card needed
Bruce Becker
- g++ on 3b1 with COFF for ld++ and why ld++?
David Becker
- AT&T 6386 and ctrm <waiting for clear to send> problems
J Belot
- 3b1tools again
Muhammad S. Benten
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Dave Berk
- Simple questions about the 7300
Christopher Bezodis
- ARC and sendmail
David H. Brierley
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Jim Budler
- Verbose modems (Re: MORE 6386 UUCP WOES)
The Beach Bum
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Larry Campbell
- A Client/Server Version of MINIX for 68000
Darrel R. Carver
- AT&T 6386 vs Compaq 386/20
Mitch Che
- Memory Test and Parity Errors For 6300 Plus
Mike Ciaraldi
- Windows/286 2.1 on a Bernoulli
Mike Ciaraldi
- Update on Windows/286 2.1 with Bernoulli
Mike Ciaraldi
- AT&T 6386 and ctrm <waiting for clear to send> problems
Harvey Cohen
- Unix PC Word Processor
Steven A. Conrad
- a dissassembler for the unix-pc
Alex S. Crain
- unstrip
Alex S. Crain
- KCL on a unix-pc
Alex S. Crain
- a COFF dissassembler
Alex S. Crain
- KCL on a unix-pc
Alex S. Crain
- KCL for unixpc
Alex S. Crain
Alex S. Crain
- KCL on a unix-pc
Alex S. Crain
- KCL bug and fix (quick)
Alex S. Crain
- /dev/tty problem/*quick-fix* on UNIXPC
Todd Day
- Status of IDT?
Lawrence A. Deleski
- unstrip
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- Those LEDs in the UNIXpc, one last time; (HwNote01)
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- IDT SCSI (Re: I have a second hard drive on my UNIXpc; HwNote03)
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- unix pc mouse help?
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- Where does keyfix come from? (and nkbd's CAPS LED)
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- Verbose modems (Re: MORE 6386 UUCP WOES)
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- FPU on the UNIX pc
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- Could a 68881 Math co-processor go fast?; HwNote07
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- Exception stack frames (Re: Could a 68881; HwNote07)
Michael "Ford" Ditto
- Burroughs (UNISYS) B25 termcap entry
Clarence Dold
- help with arc
- ATE and even parity
Douglas R. East
- Making 3B2/310 faster
Malaclypse the Elder
- Development Utilities wanted for Unix-pc (3b1)
Steven Engelhardt
- Bernoulli on AT&T 6300?
Jan van 't Ent
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Don Ferencz
- Request for info on 3B1 software
Thad P Floryan
- Could a 68881 Math co-processor go fast?; HwNote07
Thad P Floryan
- Request for info on 3B1 software
Thad Thad Floryan
- a dissassembler for the unix-pc
Richard Foulk
- Status of IDT?
Richard Foulk
- Status of IDT?
Richard Foulk
- Custom Code on 3B2 ISC?
Cam Fraser
- Can I put 60MB SCSI tape on a 3B15?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Anybody want some /proc code for a 3B15?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Verbose modems (Re: MORE 6386 UUCP WOES)
Stephen J. Friedl
- /proc code for the 3B15
Stephen J. Friedl
- FPU on the UNIX pc (was Re: All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05)
Stephen J. Friedl
- First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive
Stephen J. Friedl
- First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive
Stephen J. Friedl
- 3B2 SVR2.0.4 and 2.0.5
Stephen J. Friedl
- /dev/proc
Stephen J. Friedl
- /dev/proc
Stephen J. Friedl
- AT&T Device Driver Manuals (was Re: "UNIX Programming on the 80286/80386")
Stephen J. Friedl
- UNIXpc weirdo 99 pin bus connectors
Darren Friedlein
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05
Darren Friedlein
- UNIXPC 7300 Battery
Daniel Gidez
- assembler for IS25 instructions not working
Robert J Goguen
- TCP/IP 6386
Steven Goodman
- Finally--a book on ksh
Jim Gottlieb
- ndir for vtree
Doug Gwyn
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05(is this where I say long?)
Dave Hanna
- Bernoulli on AT&T 6300?
JohnDavid M Hascup
Vincent C. Hatem
- Editing binaries
Mike Hickey
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05
Geoffrey B Hoese
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05
Geoffrey B Hoese
- ndir for vtree
Pete Holsberg
- 680x0 Assembler
Pete Holsberg
- changing mail directory
Pete Holsberg
- Request for info on 3B1 software
Pete Holsberg
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Pete Holsberg
- Editing binaries
Ed Horch
- Well, maybe not so easy...; HwNote04
Ed Horch
- HELP with 7300 hard disk PLEASE
Ed Horch
- Voice Power
Vernon C. Hoxie
- FPU on the UNIX pc
Vernon C. Hoxie
- UNIXpc: Using DOS-73 Board with UNIX 3.51
Steve Hurrell
- UNIXpc: Using DOS-73 Board with UNIX 3.51
Steve Hurrell
- Unix PC spare parts
Jan Isley
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05(is this where I say long?)
Jan Isley
- Convergent tells all, more HD stuff; HwNote09
Jan Isley
- Making 3B2/310 faster
Hans Jespersen
- EGA for an AT&T 6300 PC: recommendations please...
Glenn Jones
- 3B2 Floppy Key Problem
Robert C. White Jr.
- AT&T Unix Sys V/386 for 386 AT clones
Bill Kennedy
- AT&T developers' conference
Andrew Klossner
- Windows/286 2.1 on a Bernoulli
Barrett Kreiner
- 3B2/300 vs 310
Eduardo Krell
- Any people with an AT&T Pixel Machine?
George Kyriazis
- AT&T Device Driver Manuals (was Re: "UNIX Programming on the 80286/80386")
Kent Landfield
- dBASE performance, 2.04 vs 3.1
Mick Laver
- changing mail directory
Dave Levenson
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Dave Levenson
- Verbose modems (Re: MORE 6386 UUCP WOES)
Dave Levenson
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 21
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 22
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 23
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 24
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 25
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 27
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 28
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 29
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 30
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 31
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 32
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 33
Info-3b2 Mailing List
- changing mail directory
Steven M. List
- New WE 32200 VMEbus board
- 3B2 Compatible X-Windows Workstation
- ksh input problem
Trent MacDougall
- FPU on the UNIX pc (was Re: All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05)
John R. MacMillan
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Dave Martindale
- Verbose modems (Re: MORE 6386 UUCP WOES)
Dave Martindale
- 3B2 Floppy Key Problem
Paul Mauvais
- Bernoulli Box on 6300
Bill Mayhew
- used AT&T equipment (was Re: Various 3B* questions)
~XT4103000~Frank McGee~C23~M24~6326~
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Marc W. Mengel
- TCP/IP 6386
Marc W. Mengel
- changing mail directory
Marc W. Mengel
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Leslie Mikesell
- Weird problem with vi... "Not that many lines in buffer"
John B. Milton
- Those LEDs in the UNIXpc, one last time; (HwNote01)
John B. Milton
- MCR2 and hard drive upgrade; HwNote02
John B. Milton
- I have a second hard drive on my UNIXpc; HwNote03
John B. Milton
- changing mail directory
John B. Milton
- Those LEDs in the UNIXpc, one last time; (HwNote01)
John B. Milton
- Well, maybe not so easy...; HwNote04
John B. Milton
- UNIXpc weirdo 99 pin bus connectors
John B. Milton
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05
John B. Milton
- Memory boards this time; HwNote06
John B. Milton
- Could a 68881 Math co-processor go fast?; HwNote07
John B. Milton
- Rumors...
John B. Milton
- problem with (HDB) uucp
John B. Milton
- Bus expansion (one way or another); HwNote08
John B. Milton
- unix pc mouse help?
Robert Morris
- limits.h for the Unix PC
My name is already in the article, you stupid postnews program
- How can I "read" the tty port?
Daniel Notov
- Suddenly a *Large* Binary
Gene H. Olson
- Odd 'strip' behaviour
Gertjan van Oosten
- Odd 'strip' behaviour
Gertjan van Oosten
- Where does keyfix come from?
Randy Orrison
- Making 3B2/310 faster
Steve Paddock
- 3B2 SVR2.0.4 and 2.0.5
Steve Paddock
- /dev/proc
Steve Paddock
- Status of IDT?
Paul Palacios
- Making 3B2/310 faster
Charlie Pilzer
- problem with (HDB) uucp
Andy Pitts
- how do I get a different font?
James E. Prior
- UNIXPC 7300 Battery
James E. Prior
- 3B2 Floppy Key Problem
- Making 3B2/310 faster
- Making 3B2/310 faster
- Rumors...
- Rumors...
- 3B2 SCSI drives (was: First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive)
- Minix on the AT&T UNIX PC?
Chris Rende
- Booting the MS-DOS co-processor
Chris Rende
- 3B2/300 vs 310
Len Rose
- used AT&T equipment (was Re: Various 3B* questions)
Len Rose
- Making 3B2/310 faster
Len Rose
- Making 3B2/310 faster
Len Rose
- Making 3B2/310 faster
Len Rose
- First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive
Len Rose
- 3b news groups
Len Rose
- Mr. Eunuch "Emasculated" Mouse
Jim Rosenberg
- wide-screen vi
Jim Rosenberg
- Various 3B* questions
Jon B. Sadler
- TCP/IP on 3B2/400 w/3BNet?
Jon B. Sadler
- porting ARC to unix-pc
Jon B. Sadler
- Can I put 60MB SCSI tape on a 3B15?
Jon B. Sadler
- spare parts
Gary Sanders
- Editing binaries
Paul S. Sawyer
- calling shop, for the STORE!
PB Schechter
- AT&T Unix Sys V/386 for 386 AT clones
Louis Schmittroth
- 3B2 Floppy Key Problem
Gregg Siegfried
- Unix-PC Unix 3.51 for sale
Clifford C. Skolnick
- wide-screen vi
C. Jeffery Small
- Wide-screen editing on the Unix-pc
C. Jeffery Small
- problem with (HDB) uucp
C. Jeffery Small
- problem with (HDB) uucp
Jeffery Small
- help with arc
Robert E. Stampfli
- Windows/286 2.1 on a Bernoulli
Todd Stewart
- Rumors...
Rich Strebendt
- Fudging binaries
Obnoxious Math Grad Student
- 3B2 Floppy Key Problem
John C. Sucilla
- 3B2/300 vs 310
Randy Suess
- 6386E front console (sigh)
Michael T Sullivan
- Request for info on 3B1 software
Mike Thompson
- Gcc's handling of #ident is wrong on the 3b1
Tom Tkacik
- Status of GDB and GCC for UNIX-PC?
Tom Tkacik
- a patch for UnixPC Mahjongg
Tom Tkacik
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05
Tom Tkacik
- All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05
Tom Tkacik
- Could a 68881 Math co-processor go fast?; HwNote07
Tom Tkacik
- AT&T Device Driver Manuals (was Re: "UNIX Programming on the 80286/80386")
Tom Tkacik
- Will we be overloading the AT&T 6386E WGS?
Lenny Tropiano
- Field Upgrade P5.1 (was Re: IDT SCSI (Re: I have a 2nd hard drive ...))
Lenny Tropiano
- FPU on the UNIX pc (was Re: All right! and 1.2M floppies; HwNote05)
Lenny Tropiano
- UNIXpc: Using DOS-73 Board with UNIX 3.51
Lenny Tropiano
- 3B2 SCSI drives (was: First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive)
- Motherboard replacement
C M Votava
- TCP/IP 6386
C M Votava
- 6386E front console
C M Votava
- Status of GDB and GCC for UNIX-PC?
Steve Wampler
- Status of IDT?
Steve Wampler
- Unix PC Word Processor
Jeffrey J Wieland
- Answers to 3B1 Commonly Asked Questions
Scot E Wilcoxon
- Request for info on 3B1 software
John Wilkes
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Greg A. Woods
- Burroughs (UNISYS) B25 termcap entry
Ronald Wright
- Editing binaries
John Young
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Pim Zandbergen
- First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive
Pim Zandbergen
- 3B2 SCSI drives (was: First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive)
Pim Zandbergen
- Keyboards for the AT&T 6300/6310's etc.
H. Reza Zarafshar
- changing mail directory
Jon Zeeff
- changing mail directory
- Well, maybe not so easy...; HwNote04
- UNIXPC 7300 Battery
- Making 3B2/310 faster
- Editing binaries
- 3B2 Floppy Key Problem
- Making 3B2/310 faster
- Using Shift/PrintScrn to print over StarLan network
robert brinkley
- Faculty-Workstation Projects
robert brinkley
- Mr. Eunuch "Emasculated" Mouse
thad at cup.portal.com
- changing mail directory.
A1 jeff giordano
- Gateway Test
info-3b2 at lamc
- Info-3b2 Digest, Number 35
info-3b2 at lamc
- Problems dumping 7300
schwager at m.cs.uiuc.edu
- Will we be overloading the AT&T 6386E WGS?
rcj at moss.ATT.COM
klc at occrsh.ATT.COM
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Every system needs one
- MORE 6386 UUCP WOES ...
Every system needs one
- Verbose modems (Re: MORE 6386 UUCP WOES)
Every system needs one
- Hard Disk upgrade
- Rumors...
j eric townsend
- 3B2 Floppy Key Problem
jkj737 at uxf.cso.uiuc.edu
- Making 3B2/310 faster
jkj737 at uxf.cso.uiuc.edu
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 23:25:16 AEST 1988
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:37:56 AEST 2016
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).