Larry Campbell
campbell at redsox.UUCP
Sun Oct 23 13:35:34 AEST 1988
In article <1988Oct21.033839.1412 at ixpierre.uucp> woods at ixpierre.UUCP (Greg A. Woods) writes:
}Does anyone besides Microport and Sun support simple bi-directional
}port usage by having a device driver which will prevent a getty's open
}on the modem control device from completing whenever the no wait
}device is open? Does anyone have a version of asy(7) for 386/ix that
}does this? Why does AT&T seem to instist on keeping the uugetty
}hack? I see no reason for it given a fully functional modem that
}adheres to the RS-232 spec. and an intelligent device driver.
VenturCom provided this feature in VENIX/86, a V7-based UNIX port
for 8086 machines. I don't know if their current SV port supports
this, but I doubt it, since it's based on 386/ix.
The lack of this simple feature is INCREDIBLY ANNOYING, guys. Are you
listening, AT&T (and Interactive and SCO and Altos and DEC and...)?
Larry Campbell The Boston Software Works, Inc.
campbell at 120 Fulton Street
wjh12!redsox!campbell Boston, MA 02146
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