Pim Zandbergen
pim at ctisbv.UUCP
Tue Oct 25 05:01:41 AEST 1988
In article <1988Oct21.033839.1412 at ixpierre.uucp> woods at ixpierre.UUCP (Greg A. Woods) writes:
>Does anyone besides Microport and Sun support simple bi-directional
>port usage by having a device driver which will prevent a getty's open
>on the modem control device from completing whenever the no wait
>device is open? Does anyone have a version of asy(7) for 386/ix that
>does this? Why does AT&T seem to instist on keeping the uugetty
>hack? I see no reason for it given a fully functional modem that
>adheres to the RS-232 spec. and an intelligent device driver.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the current release of 386/ix
based on System V release 3.1 ? In that case you only need
the modem control device to use your modem bidirectionally.
System V release 3.1 and up enables uucico and cu to open
the modem control device with O_NDELAY specified, set CLOCAL
while dialing and unset CLOCAL after a connection has been made.
This is what you specify in Devices:
ACU tty00,M - 2400 hayes \T # open tty00 with O_NDELAY
This is what you specify in Dialers:
hayes =,-, "" \M\dAT\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT \m\c
\M means: set CLOCAL
\m means: unset CLOCAL
This way, you can program your modem to be as verbose as possible,
because all RINGS etc. will be ignored when DCD is low.
You still will need uugetty, because getty would wake up as soon
as DCD will raise when a dialout connection has been made. Uugetty
won't, because it checks the LCK.. files. But the only minor
problem I see in using uugetty in this scheme is having to press
<return> to get a login prompt.
BTW, I made ct work using this scheme, even though the man pages
tell me ct won't work with intelligent modems.
However, it takes the following to put in /etc/inittab:
00:234:respawn:sh -c 'sleep 60; exec /usr/lib/uucp/uugetty -rt 60 tty00 2400'
The 'sleep 60' is required by ct in order to call back before
uugetty respawns. I don't know why this is necessary (ct makes
valid LCK.. files) but it is.
Pim Zandbergen | CTI Software BV | Phone: +31 70 542302
pim at ctisbv.UUCP | Laan Copes van Cattenburch 70 | Fax: +31 70 512837
..!mcvax!ctisbv!pim | 2585 GD The Hague, The Netherlands | Telex: 32133 CTI NL
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