problem with (HDB) uucp
C. Jeffery Small
jeff at cjsa.WA.COM
Sat Oct 22 06:01:59 AEST 1988
We are running the HDB version of uucp and friends on our 3B1/UNIX-PC. I
just discovered a serious problem which I was hoping some of you (who also
run this version of the software) could verify.
When specifying the source-file component of a uucp request, uucp complains
with the error message "illegal syntax <path>" if the source-file
path contains more than one machine_name in the specification. What is
particularly confusing about this is that the destination-file path does
not exhibit this restriction! Some examples should make this clearer.
Assume that you are connected to "mach1" which has the file
Also assume that "mach1" is connected to "mach2" which has the file
Finally, assume that your machine contains the file
The following commands all work:
uucp ~uucp/XX mach1!~uucp/XX # (send local file to mach1)
uucp ~uucp/XX mach1!mach2!~uucp/XX # (send local file to mach2)
uucp mach1!~uucp/M1 ~uucp/M1 # (pickup file from mach1)
But the following command results in the uucp error message:
uucp mach1!mach2!~uucp/M2 ~uucp/M2 # (pickup file from mach2)
There appears to be a bug in the uucp command which doesn't allow it to process
source-file specifications properly. Note that this problem does not occur if
you use the standard supplied uucp - only the HDB version. Since AT&T has not
elected to support this product, the Hotline doesn't even want to discuss this
So my question: Can anyone else running HDB verify this problem, and short of
removing HDB from the system, is there a workaround for retrieving files with
multiple machine hops?
Thanks for any insights.
Jeffery Small (206) 485-5596 uw-beaver!uw-nsr!uw-warp
C. Jeffery Small and Associates !cjsa!jeff
19112 152nd Ave NE - Woodinville, WA 98072 uunet!nwnexus
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