Info-3b2 Digest, Number 28
Info-3b2 Mailing List
info-3b2 at lamc
Sat Oct 22 05:01:29 AEST 1988
Info-3b2 Digest, Number 28
Friday, October 21st 1988
Today's Topics:
NFS for AT&T 3Bx's
Mail headers
Re: Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Re: Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 88 09:15:22 CDT
From: lll-tis!ames!uwvax!!sadler (Jon B. Sadler)
Subject: NFS for AT&T 3Bx's
I don't want to anounce a product that hasn't yet come out, but my sources
(which are QUITE reliable) say that AT&T will be coming out with NFS to run
on top of the WIN/3B TCP/IP product. Just a note -- my sources also tell
me that the NFS port was NOT done by Wollongong.
This product will require SVR3.1 and WIN/3B.
As for trys to port, Lachman associates has ported this product -- and quite
well I may add. They only sell to OEMs though -- guess you'll have to
wait for the AT&T product.
Jonathan Sadler
Computing Systems Lab (CSL)
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Subject: Mail headers
Date: 20 Oct 88 11:05:59 CDT (Thu)
From: lll-tis!lll-crg!uunet!mcmi!denny (Dennis Page)
Please, something really need to be done about all the excess headers.
I know we have talked about this before, and a concern was expressed
about being able to get a return message path, but it is damned
difficult to find the worthwhile information in short messages due to
low s/n ratio. And responding (other than to the list as a whole)
becomes an adventure in itself. See the below example. Why don't you
send a correct "From:" header in user at site format (as many mailing
list do), and let the mail software figure out how to get there. At
least get rid of the "Received", ">From", and "X-Mailer" junk.
Perhaps comp.sys.att.3b2 could cure it all... :-)
>From: root at netsys.COM (NetSys Admin)
>Message-Id: <8810172038.AA06137 at netsys.COM>
>Subject: Forwarded mail...
>To: info-3b2
>Date: Mon, 17 Oct 88 16:38:39 EDT
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>Date: Mon, 17 Oct 88 11:26:06 MDT
>From: ames!ncar.UCAR.EDU!boulder!pikes!!daemon (The devil himself)
>Message-Id: <8810171726.AA20905 at>
>To: pikes!boulder!ncar!ames!netsys!root at
>>From udenva!nuucp Mon Oct 17 11:25:53 1988 remote from dunike
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>Date: Mon, 17 Oct 88 11:25:38 MDT
>From: dunike!udenva!nuucp (UUCP Admin)
>Message-Id: <8810171725.AA12640 at>
>To: boulder!pikes!boulder!ncar!ames!netsys!root
>>From isis.UUCP!scicom!cyrill Mon Oct 17 11:25:01 1988 remote from udenva
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>To: isis.UUCP!udenva!pikes!boulder!ncar!ames!netsys!root
>Subject: Re: Info-3b2 Digest, Number 23
>Message-Id: <8810171109.AA01591 at>
>Date: 17 Oct 88 11:09:35 MDT (Mon)
>From: udenva!!isis!cyrill (Cyro Lord)
>Thanks for the information on the devtools.
>Great response and information. The price
>is now at $55.00.
>Cyro Lord Alpha Comm. Dev. Corp. - DOMAIN cyrill at
>UUCP {ncar,nbires,boulder,isis}!scicom!cyrill
>Being alive is learning to make love with what you most fear. - James Baldwin
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>To submit articles mail to ..!{pacbell,well,netsys,hoptoad}!lamc!info-3b2
>Administravia to info-3b2-request at lamc.
>Co-ordinator: kdavis at lamc (Ken Davis)
Subject: Re: Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Date: 20 Oct 88 17:58:02 GMT
From: !pjh at mccc.UUCP
I've run into the problem that rn won't work over a STARlan network
also. I can invoke it and it shows the first screen, but then it
freezes. Anyone have a clue or a fix? Vnews and readnews don't seem to
have this problems.
Pete Holsberg UUCP: {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!pjh
Mercer College CompuServe: 70240,334
1200 Old Trenton Road GEnie: PJHOLSBERG
Trenton, NJ 08690 Voice: 1-609-586-4800
Subject: Re: Info-3b2 Digest, Number 26
Date: 20 Oct 88 20:19:32 GMT
From: !ferencz at cwsys3..CWRU.Edu
In article <340 at mccc.UUCP> pjh at mccc.UUCP (Pete Holsberg) writes:
>I've run into the problem that rn won't work over a STARlan network
>also. I can invoke it and it shows the first screen, but then it
>freezes. Anyone have a clue or a fix? Vnews and readnews don't seem to
>have this problems.
Yep, me too. I have a few UNIX PC's running SysV 3.5 connected to
a STARLAN network to a 3B2/310. I can narrow down the problem: the
"rn" program chokes once it puts the UNIX PC in "cbreak" (non-buffered
input) mode. I think it is a problem with the STARLAN driver at the
UNIX PC end. The way I solve this is, once logged into the 3B2 with
the Phone Manager and Terminal Emulator is perform an "rlogin"
over our network (TCP/IP Ethernet). "rn" can then handle "cbreak"
to what is now an Ethernet connection, connected to a STARLAN
connection. (I found this, totally by luck).
Our other network programs (telnet, ftp, etc.) have the same problem,
but luckily "rlogin" back to the same host is a "quick" fix.
| Don Ferencz | "And in the end/ |
| ferencz at cwsys3.cwru.EDU | The love you take/ |
| Department of Systems Engineering | Is equal to the love you make." |
| Case Western Reserve University | -- The Beatles |
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End of Info-3b2 Digest
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