j eric townsend
erict at flatline.UUCP
Tue Oct 25 11:21:21 AEST 1988
In article <373 at uncle.UUCP>, jbm at uncle.UUCP (John B. Milton) writes:
> Where do journalists get this stuff?
>From the same place that most end users get it: press releases and
bone-headed marketing bozos that'll say just about anything without
thinking about it first. My problem is that I do this with sports
news.... :-)
"Let me get this straight, the Dallas Cowboys will play
the Brooklyn Dodgers in Ontario for the America's Cup?"
"Yeah, that sounds about right. If I find out it's wrong, I'll tell you
before it goes to press..."
Anyway, realise that the average journalist is no different than the
average liberal arts major (unfortunately) and knows little about science,
much less the technicalities of some not-so-well-known (even amongst
computer users) systems. Being from "Computer Design" (Whatever that
is) I would expect a little more, though. Most computer-magazine
people are technoids first, journalists second.
> tionship with Motorola. AT&T uses
> Motorola's 68000 family of process-
> sors in its 3B line of minicomputers.
> [rest omitted]
> --------------------------------------
> That last sentance is interesting. Does that mean I really have a minicomputer?
Heh. Actually, when my 3b1 was made, it probably *WAS* a minicomputer. :-)
> I think they got the tense of the "uses" wrong. Oh no, better call Convergent
> and tell them to make more UNIXpcs :)
They are, but it's a secret. Tell no one.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of Television." - Mighty Mouse (and R. Bakshi)
J. Eric Townsend smail: 511 Parker #2, Houston, Tx, 77007
Inet: COSC3AF at UUCP: uunet!nuchat!flatline!erict
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