Info-3b2 Digest, Number 33
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info-3b2 at lamc
Wed Oct 26 23:50:34 AEST 1988
Info-3b2 Digest, Number 33
Wednesday, October 26th 1988
Today's Topics:
Benchmarking 14 mhz 3B2/310-400's
Re: First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 88 17:22:46 edt
From: len at netsys.COM (Len Rose)
Subject: 3b.*
I have just heard from Peter Yee at ames and he gives me the
go ahead to say that ames will be glad to pass on the newsgroups
to existing feeds. Which means that it will basically be all over
the nntp world.
Looks like connectivity won't be that bad.
Again, if you need a 3b.* feed, just contact me. I will also
be contacting Mel Pleasant at today.
Len Rose - Netsys,Inc.
len at or len at
From: len at netsys.COM (Len Rose)
Subject: Benchmarking 14 mhz 3B2/310-400's
Date: 26 Oct 88 04:05:16 GMT
I am currently trying to come up with a valid way to test
the 10 mhz box vs the 14 mhz box. Locally I have one 310
w/o mau and a 400 w/mau.. I use two different compilers.
I can't believe this will facilitate something accurate so
I am going to enlist a few people in the comparison.
If you would like to get involved in this, we may be able to
come up with a more accurate picture.
In a few days time when things stabilize with this newsgroup,
I will post the dhrystone sources that we should all use.
(We will wait awhile before creating 3b.sources) smile.
I will post them here I suppose.
Subject: Re: First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive
Date: 25 Oct 88 12:09:17 GMT
From: !len at netsys.COM
pim at ctisbv.UUCP (Pim Zandbergen) writes:
"All of us who upgraded from 3B2/400s to 3b2/500s or 3b2/600s
know how much nicer/better/faster the built-in 60MB SCSI
cartridge tape drive is over the 23MB floppy-drive-emulating tape thing
used in the 400."
Will the 60 MB scsi tape drive fit in the same physical location as
the older 23 mb drive. I.E. If I buy a scsi tape can I install it
in place of the old drive.
"While I'm on the subject of comparing SCSI devices for the 3B2,
AT&T sells both native SCSI hard disks and ESDI hard disks that
need a SCSI-to-ESDI thing like the ones that come with the
3B2/600. Does anybody have experience with both types?"
Whose drives does AT&T use.. CDC or?
Has anyone been successful in using other brands of drives than the
one supplied by AT&T for the SCSI XM packages.. I understand that
if you want to use ESDI drives with the SCSI controller you have to
use some sort of bridging adapter. We have some Micropolis 1355's
(170 mb) that we would like to use and I am wondering if they can be
made to work with the AT&T scsi interface. Is the bridging adapter
(for scsi to esdi) available seperately?
Len Rose - Netsys,Inc.
len at or len at
To join this group or have your thoughts in the next issue, please
send electronic mail to Ken Davis at the following address;
The views expressed in Info-3b2 Digest are those of the
individual authors only.
End of Info-3b2 Digest
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