Info-3b2 Digest, Number 32
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Wed Oct 26 08:46:02 AEST 1988
Info-3b2 Digest, Number 32
Tuesday, October 25th 1988
Today's Topics:
NFS for AT&T 3bx's
Purpose of 3b news distribution
Subject: NFS for AT&T 3bx's
Date: 25 Oct 88 09:23:23 CDT (Tue)
From: btni!mcmi!denny at uunet.UU.NET (Dennis Page)
>I know that Unix 4.0 will be NFS based.
I believe that 4.0 will have both RFS and NFS - see below. NFS is too
widely implemented for it to be dropped or cleaned up (re-implemented).
This is unfortunate as NFS really sucks canal water. :-)
>From: andrew at (Andrew Klossner)
>Newsgroups: comp.unix.wizards
>Subject: More notes from V.4.0 software developer conference (LONG)
>Message-ID: <10421 at tekecs.TEK.COM>
>Date: 4 Oct 88 20:37:18 GMT
>I attended the UNIX V.4.0 conference in Los Angeles. Herewith some
>highlights from my trip report.
>"RFS and NFS are complementary." The philosophy is that NFS is for
>heterogenous file sharing (talking to MSDOS and Cray computers), and
>RFS is for intra-UNIX machines when full file system semantics are
>needed (including talking to remote devices). They said all this with
>a perfectly straight face.
>Both NFS and RFS can be used to page across the net.
>From len at netsys.COM (Len Rose) 25 Oct 88 10:43:54 GMT
Newsgroups: 3b.config
Subject: Purpose of 3b news distribution
Summary: an explanation
Keywords: new
Message-ID: <10814 at netsys.COM>
Date: 25 Oct 88 10:43:54 GMT
Reply-To: len at netsys.COM (Len Rose)
Followup-To: 3b.config
Distribution: 3b
Organization: Netsys,Inc.
Lines: 9
Basically after much moaning and groaning among members of the info-3b2
mailing list I have gone ahead and created the news distribution. I would
like other members of the info-3b mailing list to go ahead and suggest the
configuration of this news distribution.
Sites wishing to drop off the mailing list should contact kdavis at lamc or
info-3b2-request at lamc.
To join this group or have your thoughts in the next issue, please
send electronic mail to Ken Davis at the following address;
The views expressed in Info-3b2 Digest are those of the
individual authors only.
End of Info-3b2 Digest
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