First impressions: 3B2 120MB SCSI tape drive
Pim Zandbergen
pim at ctisbv.UUCP
Tue Oct 25 05:15:50 AEST 1988
In article <899 at vsi.COM> friedl at vsi.COM (Stephen J. Friedl) writes:
>Hiho net.folks,
> These are some first impressions of the 120MB SCSI cartridge
>tape drive available for the 3B2.
[ much praise deleted ]
All of us who upgraded from 3B2/400s to 3b2/500s or 3b2/600s
know how much nicer/better/faster the built-in 60MB SCSI
cartridge tape drive is over the 23MB floppy-drive-emulating tape thing
used in the 400.
What I'd like to know is how the 120MB tape drive compares to
to the 60MB tape drive.
While I'm on the subject of comparing SCSI devices for the 3B2,
AT&T sells both native SCSI hard disks and ESDI hard disks that
need a SCSI-to-ESDI thing like the ones that come with the
3B2/600. Does anybody have experience with both types?
How do they compare in speed?
Pim Zandbergen | CTI Software BV | Phone: +31 70 542302
pim at ctisbv.UUCP | Laan Copes van Cattenburch 70 | Fax: +31 70 512837
..!mcvax!ctisbv!pim | 2585 GD The Hague, The Netherlands | Telex: 32133 CTI NL
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