Could a 68881 Math co-processor go fast?; HwNote07
John B. Milton
jbm at uncle.UUCP
Mon Oct 24 05:12:19 AEST 1988
Parts of this article are copied from mail to David Wexelblat
(dwex at, who suggested a 68881 when I asked for hw ideas. The
rest of you just don't seem to have any ideas :-!
I was thinking about that one a while ago. AT&T actually made a 68881 board,
they even have a part number, 105160253. I talked to some guy at AT&T, and
he says the board was never release due to poor performance. Since the 68010
does not have a coprocessor interface, the 68881 would have to operate as an
I/O device, so it would work fine as an expansion card. David tells me that
the software interface was implemented using an F-line exception handler. While
this is clean from the compiler point of view (you just generate 68881
instructions), it is expensive:
1. Execute instruction
2. Get F-line exception
3. Stack everything away
4. Start running the common kernel exception code
5. Pull all the parameters from the user PC and talk to the 68881 through I/O
6. Defer to another process while the instruction runs on the 68881
7. Get an interrupt, get the status
8. Call the kernel code to return from exception.
Steps 6&7 could be replaced with
6. Loop polling the 68881 for completion
7. Get the status
I don't know what they did about having an expanded process context for procs
using the 68881.
It seems the only way to get decent speed is to have the program using the
68881 be the only one using it and to access it directly. David's idea is to
modify GNU C to generate the proper I/O directly. The only code that could
directly access I/O would be kernel code, like a loadable driver. It wouldn't
be so fun to write all your floating point programs as loadable drivers. Hmm,
you would have unlimited CPU... Nah
On the other hand, there is a messy solution. The user only has access to the
user memory mapped to his process. There is a routine plock(2) which might be
used to lock a page so that the physical address of the page would never
change and would always be there. I have never tried to use this on the UNIXpc,
I just checked to make sure it's in the manual. The user address could be passed
to a /dev/fpa driver via ioctl(2). The driver coulld take this address and
find the physical address corresponding to it. This address could be passed
from the driver to some I/O which would map the 68881 in every time there is
an access to this page. When the file to this driver is closed, the mapping
is disabled. The fpa device could only be opened once. The program would have
to run suid to call plock(), but it could do a setuid(getuid()) once it's
running, which would ba a reasonable compromise.
The hardware could not be on the expansion bus for this idea, because you
could not be sure that a given user page is on an expansion memory board.
There could also be nasty problems if the page is used for anything else
while mapped to the 68881. Some good news is that the 68881 could be run
asyncronously, so it could have it's own clock. So yes, it could be a 33MHz
68882 (if they're that fast yet?). Yes, it would cost more than the machine.
I don't know what the current price is for the 12.5 MHz 68881. Assuming I
could whip together something that would work. How many people would be inter-
ested in buying a board without the 6888[12]? Please e-mail.
Ok, tell me how much of this I got wrong. Also send me any other ideas. Since
this would all be done in I/O, I suppose it could be ANY over priced FPA. I
know what you're thinking now, how about a DSP instead? Sure, I think all this
would apply.
John Bly Milton IV, jbm at uncle.UUCP, n8emr!uncle!jbm at
home (614) 294-4823, work (614) 764-4272; Send vi tricks, I'm making a manual
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