KCL for unixpc
Alex S. Crain
alex at umbc3.UMD.EDU
Sat Oct 15 03:38:49 AEST 1988
I got some many requests for this that I decided to post it. For
those folks who I sent diffs out to, be aware that there are 2 minor problems
that have been fixed. First is the problems with ths shar file, which was
slightly corroded, and second is that undump needs -DUNIXPC to be defined,
but this was not reflected in the makefile. Again, both are fixed here.
Heres the stuff to get KCL on a 3b1. This file will create a
directory ./3b1port, which should live at the top level of the kcl tree,
next to unixport, attport, etc.
See the file ./3b1port/Install for instructions.
This is pretty raw lisp, without fancy additives. I will be adding
enhancements like AKCL and PCL if I can make them work, so what I would
like is this: If you install KCL and use it, please contact me, so that I
can build a mailing list for updates.
KCL can be sort of a nightmare to build because of its size and
complexity. let me know if you have problems, and I will do my best to
answer them.
Systems Programmer
nerwin!alex at umbc3.umd.edu UMBC
alex at umbc3.umd.edu
--------------------------Snip, Snip----------------------------------------
/bin/mkdir 3b1port
/bin/mkdir 3b1port/diffs
# shar: Shell Archiver (v1.22)
# Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
# 3b1port/Install
# 3b1port/ild.c
# 3b1port/init_kclc.lsp
# 3b1port/init_kcli.lsp
# 3b1port/kcl.c
# 3b1port/kcl.ifile
# 3b1port/lc.c
# 3b1port/makefile
# 3b1port/sys_kclc.c
# 3b1port/sys_kcli.c
# 3b1port/undump.1
# 3b1port/undump.c
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/Install &&
XInstallation procedure..
X#1) install source tree in /usr/local/lisp (or wherever), cd there.
X install the 3b1port directory as ./3b1port
X#2) edit ./makefile to set PORTDIR = 3b1port
X#3) patch source files with the files in 3b1port/diffs/*
X bin/dpp.c - fix the syntax of the # line directives
X h/include.h - add a new machine type ATT3b1
X h/cmpinclude.h - replace this with 3b1port/diffs/cmpinclude.h
X c/alloc.c - use sbrk() for dynamic memory allocation.
X c/earith.c - add SGS assembly routines
X c/bitop.c - add SGS assembly routines
X c/main.c - set default *features*
X c/unixsave.c - remove the lisp (save) function (doesn't work)
X c/3b1_chtab.s - New file
X The diff files are the result of diff -c, and work with tha patch
Xprogram. In any case, the changes are not large, so patching by hand would not
Xbe unreasonable. The files that do not end in .diff (3b1_chtab.s and
Xcmpinclude.h) are direct replacements, not diffs.
X#4) edit o/makefile to set
X CHTAB = 3b1_chtab.s
X#5) If you do not like things in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib,
Xedit 3b1port/makefile and change the DESTDIR and LIBDIR declaration
Xto something appropriate (like /usr/bin and /usr/lib).
X#6) Delete the file c/include.h, because this file shadows h/include.h,
Xwhich we have changed. (This should probably be a link anyway)
X#7) Build the system. first, su and install cmpinclude.h in the /usr/include
Xdirectory. Make sure to install our cmpinclude.h instead of the stock one.
XThe top level makefile depends on this being installed.
X from the top level directory (/usr/local/lisp here) and type
X % make
Xand go away for about 3 hours.
X#8) cd to the 3b1port directory. At this point (Hopefully) you will have
Xseveral binaries:
X kcli_s - a partially loaded kcl interpreter
X kclc_s - a partially loaded kcl compiler
X kcl - a driver program for the interpreter
X lc - a driver program for the compiler
X undump - a program to convert a core file to an executable binary.
XThe idea here is to fire up kcli_s, load in the neccessary lisp code and then
Xsave the running image like a snapshot. There are several ways to do this, the
Xeasiast being undump. This also has the advantage of providing the undump
Xprogram, with which you can undump other things (see undump(1))
X Here's how it works:
X % kcli_s
X Koyto Common Lisp....
X > (load "init_kcli.lsp")
X initializing predlib...
X ...
X > ^\ # this is a keyboard interrupt
X kcli_s: Quit -- core dumped.
X % undump kcli kcli_s core
X %
Xyou now have an executable kcli. repeat this for kclc, and then type:
X % make install
X(su if neccessary)
XYou are done.
chmod 0644 3b1port/Install || echo "restore of 3b1port/Install fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/ild.c &&
X ild: incremental linker/loader on System V
X (C) Masami Hagiya, 1986
X Usage:
X % ild loading_object start_address \
X loaded_object output_file
X The start address is in decimal.
X How to Create:
X To compile this file (ild.c) and make ild, do the following.
X % cc -o ild ild.c -lld
X Problem:
X This program only supports the simplest linear search for symbols.
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <filehdr.h>
X#include <aouthdr.h>
X#include <scnhdr.h>
X#include <reloc.h>
X#include <syms.h>
X#include <storclass.h>
X#include <ldfcn.h>
Xstruct filehdr my_header;
Xstruct syment *my_symbol_table;
Xchar *my_string_table;
Xstruct filehdr header;
Xstruct scnhdr section[9];
Xchar *text;
Xstruct syment *symbol_table;
Xchar *string_table;
Xchar *start_address;
Xstruct reloc relocation_info;
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X if (argc < 5) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Arg count.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X /*
X printf("ild %s %s %s %s\n", argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
X fflush(stdout);
X */
X get_myself(argv[1]);
X /*
X printf("Myself got.\n");
X fflush(stdout);
X */
X start_address = (char *)atoi(argv[2]);
X fasload(argv[3], argv[4]);
X exit(0);
Xchar *fname;
X int i;
X LDFILE *ldptr;
X extern char *malloc();
X char * filename = malloc(strlen(fname)+3);
X strcpy(filename, fname);
X strcat(filename, "_s");
X ldptr = ldopen(filename, NULL);
X if (ldptr == NULL) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", filename);
X exit(1);
X }
X ldfhread(ldptr, &my_header);
X ldtbseek(ldptr);
X my_symbol_table
X = (struct syment *)malloc(sizeof(struct syment) * my_header.f_nsyms);
X /*
X sizeof(struct syment) and SYMESZ are not always the same.
X */
X for (i = 0; i < my_header.f_nsyms; i++)
X FREAD(&my_symbol_table[i], SYMESZ, 1, ldptr);
X /*
X If the string table is not empty,
X its length is stored after the symbol table,
X This is not described in the manual, and may change in the future.
X */
X if (FREAD(&i, 4, 1, ldptr) > 0) {
X my_string_table = malloc(i);
X FSEEK(ldptr, -4, 1);
X FREAD(my_string_table, 1, i, ldptr);
X }
X ldclose(ldptr);
Xfasload(filename, outputfilename)
Xchar *filename, *outputfilename;
X register struct syment *sym, *end;
X int i, n;
X LDFILE *ldptr;
X FILE *fp;
X extern char *malloc();
X ldptr = ldopen(filename, "r");
X if (ldptr == NULL) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", filename);
X exit(1);
X }
X ldfhread(ldptr, &header);
X if (header.f_opthdr != 0) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected optional header.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X if (header.f_nscns < 3 || header.f_nscns > 8) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Illegal number of sections.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X for (i = 1; i <= header.f_nscns; i++)
X ldshread(ldptr, i, §ion[i]);
X if (strcmp(section[1].s_name, ".text") != 0) {
X fprintf(stderr, ".text not found.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X if (strcmp(section[2].s_name, ".data") != 0) {
X fprintf(stderr, ".data not found.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X /*
X The bss segment need not exist.
X */
X /*
X if (strcmp(section[3].s_name, ".bss") != 0) {
X fprintf(stderr, ".bss not found.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X */
X if (section[1].s_size > 0 &&
X section[1].s_scnptr !=
X sizeof(struct filehdr) +
X header.f_nscns*sizeof(struct scnhdr)) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Contradictory text start.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X if (section[1].s_size > 0 && section[2].s_size > 0 &&
X section[1].s_scnptr + section[1].s_size !=
X section[2].s_scnptr) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Contradictory data start.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X text = malloc(section[1].s_size + section[2].s_size);
X FSEEK(ldptr, section[1].s_scnptr, 0);
X FREAD(text, 1, section[1].s_size + section[2].s_size, ldptr);
X ldtbseek(ldptr);
X symbol_table
X = (struct syment *)malloc(sizeof(struct syment) * header.f_nsyms);
X /*
X sizeof(struct syment) and SYMESZ are not always the same.
X */
X for (i = 0; i < header.f_nsyms; i++)
X FREAD(&symbol_table[i], SYMESZ, 1, ldptr);
X /*
X If the string table is not empty,
X its length is stored after the symbol table,
X This is not described in the manual, and may change in the future.
X */
X if (FREAD(&i, 4, 1, ldptr) > 0) {
X string_table = malloc(i);
X FSEEK(ldptr, -4, 1);
X FREAD(string_table, 1, i, ldptr);
X }
X end = symbol_table + header.f_nsyms;
X for (sym = symbol_table; sym < end; sym++) {
X switch (sym->n_scnum) {
X case 1: case 2: case 3:
X /*
X If the section number of the symbol is 1, 2, or 3,
X the start address of the text is stored.
X This is not described in the manual,
X and may depend on CPU or may change in the future.
X */
X sym->n_value = (int)start_address;
X break;
X case N_UNDEF:
X search_symbol(sym);
X break;
X default:
X /*
X Does nothing. Is it OK?
X */
X break;
X }
X sym += sym->n_numaux;
X }
X ldrseek(ldptr, 1);
X for (i = 0; i < section[1].s_nreloc; i++) {
X /*
X FREAD(&relocation_info, sizeof(struct reloc), 1, ldptr);
X */
X FREAD(&relocation_info, 10, 1, ldptr);
X relocate();
X }
X ldrseek(ldptr, 2);
X for (i = 0; i < section[2].s_nreloc; i++) {
X /*
X FREAD(&relocation_info, sizeof(struct reloc), 1, ldptr);
X */
X FREAD(&relocation_info, 10, 1, ldptr);
X relocate();
X }
X fp = fopen(outputfilename, "w");
X if (fp == NULL) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Can't creat %s.\n", outputfilename);
X exit(1);
X }
X fwrite(&header, sizeof(struct filehdr), 1, fp);
X for (i = 1; i <= header.f_nscns; i++)
X fwrite(§ion[i], sizeof(struct scnhdr), 1, fp);
X fwrite(text, 1, section[1].s_size + section[2].s_size, fp);
X fclose(fp);
X ldclose(ldptr);
Xregister struct syment *sym;
X register struct syment *p, *end;
X end = my_symbol_table + my_header.f_nsyms;
X for (p = my_symbol_table; p < end; p++) {
X /*
X Is the following check enough?
X */
X if (1 <= p->n_scnum && p->n_scnum <= 3 &&
X p->n_sclass == C_EXT &&
X (sym->n_zeroes == 0
X ? (p->n_zeroes == 0 &&
X strcmp(&my_string_table[p->n_offset],
X &string_table[sym->n_offset]) == 0)
X : (p->n_zeroes != 0 &&
X strncmp(p->n_name, sym->n_name, SYMNMLEN) == 0)))
X goto FOUND;
X p += p->n_numaux;
X }
X sym->n_name[SYMNMLEN] = '\0';
X fprintf(stderr, "%s: undefined symbol.\n",
X (sym->n_zeroes ? sym->n_name : &string_table[sym->n_offset]));
X exit(1);
X /*
X Subtract the original value.
X This is not described in the manual,
X and I don't understand why.
X */
X sym->n_value = p->n_value - sym->n_value;
X char *where, *p;
X int value;
X where = text + relocation_info.r_vaddr;
X if (relocation_info.r_type == R_ABS)
X return;
X /*
X The following code depends on CPU.
X */
X if (relocation_info.r_type == R_RELBYTE ||
X relocation_info.r_type == R_RELWORD ||
X relocation_info.r_type == R_RELLONG)
X {
X p = (char *)(&value);
X p[3] = where[3];
X p[2] = where[2];
X p[1] = where[1];
X p[0] = where[0];
X value += symbol_table[relocation_info.r_symndx].n_value;
X where[0] = p[0];
X where[1] = p[1];
X where[2] = p[2];
X where[3] = p[3];
X }
X else if (relocation_info.r_type == R_DIR32S)
X {
X fprintf(stderr, "%d: unsupported relocation type.",
X relocation_info.r_type);
X exit(1);
X }
X else
X {
X p = (char *)(&value);
X p[3] = where[0];
X p[2] = where[1];
X p[1] = where[2];
X p[0] = where[3];
X value += symbol_table[relocation_info.r_symndx].n_value;
X where[0] = p[3];
X where[1] = p[2];
X where[2] = p[1];
X where[3] = p[0];
X }
chmod 0644 3b1port/ild.c || echo "restore of 3b1port/ild.c fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/init_kclc.lsp &&
X(in-package "COMPILER")
X(in-package "SYSTEM")
X(in-package "USER")
X(in-package "LISP")
X(in-package "USER")
X(progn (allocate 'cons 90) (system:init-system) (gbc t)
X (load #"../cmpnew/cmpmain.lsp") (gbc t) (load #"../cmpnew/lfun_list.lsp")
X (gbc t) (load #"../cmpnew/cmpopt.lsp") (gbc t)
X (defun compile-file
X (&rest system::args &aux (*print-pretty* nil) (*package* *package*))
X (compiler::init-env) (apply 'compiler::compile-file1 system::args))
X (defun compile (&rest system::args &aux (*print-pretty* nil))
X (apply 'compiler::compile1 system::args))
X (defun disassemble (&rest system::args &aux (*print-pretty* nil))
X (apply 'compiler::disassemble1 system::args))
X (setq system::*old-top-level* (symbol-function 'system:top-level))
X (defun system::kcl-top-level nil
X (when (> (system:argc) 1)
X (setq system:*system-directory* (system:argv 1)))
X (when (>= (system:argc) 5)
X (let ((system::*quit-tag* (cons nil nil))
X (system::*quit-tags* nil) (system::*break-level* '())
X (system::*break-env* nil) (system::*ihs-base* 1)
X (system::*ihs-top* 1) (system::*current-ihs* 1)
X (*break-enable* nil))
X (system:error-set
X '(let ((system::flags (system:argv 4)))
X (setq system:*system-directory*
X (pathname (system:argv 1)))
X (compile-file (system:argv 2) :output-file
X (system:argv 3) :o-file
X (case (schar system::flags 1) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
X (t (system:argv 5)))
X :c-file
X (case (schar system::flags 2) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
X (t (system:argv 6)))
X :h-file
X (case (schar system::flags 3) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
X (t (system:argv 7)))
X :data-file
X (case (schar system::flags 4) (#\0 nil) (#\1 t)
X (t (system:argv 8)))
X :system-p
X (if (char-equal (schar system::flags 0) #\S) t
X nil))))
X (bye)))
X (format t "KCl (Kyoto Common Lisp) ~A~%" "Feburary 13, 1986")
X (in-package 'system::user) (funcall system::*old-top-level*))
X (defun lisp-implementation-version nil "Feburary 13, 1986")
X (setq *modules* nil) (gbc t) (system:reset-gbc-count)
X (allocate 'cons 200)
X (defun system:top-level nil (system::kcl-top-level))
X )
chmod 0644 3b1port/init_kclc.lsp || echo "restore of 3b1port/init_kclc.lsp fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/init_kcli.lsp &&
X(in-package "COMPILER")
X(in-package "SYSTEM")
X(in-package "USER")
X(in-package "LISP")
X(in-package "USER")
X(progn (allocate 'cons 90) (system:init-system) (gbc t)
X (setq system::*old-top-level* (symbol-function 'system:top-level))
X (defun system::kcl-top-level nil
X (when (> (system:argc) 1)
X (setq system:*system-directory* (system:argv 1)))
X (format t "KCl (Kyoto Common Lisp) ~A~%" "Feburary 13, 1986")
X (in-package 'system::user) (funcall system::*old-top-level*))
X (defun lisp-implementation-version nil "Feburary 13, 1986")
X (setq *modules* nil) (gbc t) (system:reset-gbc-count)
X (allocate 'cons 200)
X (defun system:top-level nil (system::kcl-top-level))
X )
chmod 0644 3b1port/init_kcli.lsp || echo "restore of 3b1port/init_kcli.lsp fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/kcl.c &&
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#define COMSIZ 1024
X int in[2];
X int out[2];
X char command[COMSIZ];
X char buf[4];
X pipe(in);
X pipe(out);
X if (in[1] != 4 || out[0] != 5) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Can't get a pipe.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X fflush(stdout);
X if (fork() != 0) {
X close(in[0]);
X close(out[1]);
X fprintf(stderr, "Can't exec KCL.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X }
X signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X close(in[1]);
X close(out[0]);
X for (;;) {
X if (read(in[0], command, COMSIZ) <= 0)
X exit(0);
X else if (! strncmp(command, "cd ", 3)) {
X char *s, *p = &command[3];
X while(*p == ' ') p++;
X for (s=p; *s && *s != ' '; s++);
X *s = '\0';
X buf[0] = chdir(p);
X }
X else
X buf[0] = system(command);
X write(out[1], buf, 1);
X }
chmod 0644 3b1port/kcl.c || echo "restore of 3b1port/kcl.c fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/kcl.ifile &&
X#sccs "@(#)shlib:ifile.0413s 1.2"
X user_mem : origin = 0x80000 , length = 0x37ff000
X .text 0x80000 BLOCK(1024) : {}
X GROUP ALIGN(65536) BLOCK(1024) : {
X .data : {}
X .bss : {}
X .lib : {}
X }
Xtimezone = 0x00300000;
Xtzname = 0x00300004;
Xpatblack = 0x00300014;
Xpatwhite = 0x00300034;
Xpatgray = 0x00300054;
Xpatltgray = 0x00300074;
X_iob = 0x0030009c;
X_bufendtab = 0x003001b8;
X_ctype = 0x0030020c;
Xsys_errlist = 0x0030030e;
X_iob2 = 0x00300bc0;
X_buf2endtab = 0x00300f0c;
X_dbase = 0x00301000;
Xerrno = _dbase + 0x0;
Xenviron = _dbase + 0x4;
XPC = _dbase + 0x8;
XBC = _dbase + 0xc;
XUP = _dbase + 0x10;
Xospeed = _dbase + 0x14;
XLINES = _dbase + 0x18;
XCOLS = _dbase + 0x1c;
Xwncur = _dbase + 0x20;
Xoptind = _dbase + 0x22;
Xoptarg = _dbase + 0x26;
Xopterr = _dbase + 0x2a;
Xoptopt = _dbase + 0x2e;
Xsys_nerr = _dbase + 0x32;
XFPA_flag = _dbase + 0x36;
XFPA_s = _dbase + 0x3a;
XFPA_d = _dbase + 0x3e;
X_sibuf = 0x00306000;
X_sobuf = 0x00306408;
X_tbase = 0x00310000;
Xshlbat = _tbase + 0x0;
Xshlbatid = _tbase + 0x6;
Xaccess = _tbase + 0xc;
Xalarm = _tbase + 0x12;
Xbrk = _tbase + 0x18;
Xibrk = _tbase + 0x1e;
Xsbrk = _tbase + 0x24;
Xchdir = _tbase + 0x2a;
Xchmod = _tbase + 0x30;
Xchown = _tbase + 0x36;
Xchroot = _tbase + 0x3c;
Xclose = _tbase + 0x42;
Xcreat = _tbase + 0x48;
Xdup = _tbase + 0x4e;
Xexecl = _tbase + 0x54;
Xexecv = _tbase + 0x5a;
Xexecle = _tbase + 0x60;
Xexecve = _tbase + 0x66;
Xexeclp = _tbase + 0x6c;
Xexecvp = _tbase + 0x72;
Xexit = _tbase + 0x78;
X_exit = _tbase + 0x7e;
Xfcntl = _tbase + 0x84;
Xfork = _tbase + 0x8a;
Xgetpid = _tbase + 0x90;
Xgetpgrp = _tbase + 0x96;
Xgetppid = _tbase + 0x9c;
Xgetuid = _tbase + 0xa2;
Xgeteuid = _tbase + 0xa8;
Xgetgid = _tbase + 0xae;
Xgetegid = _tbase + 0xb4;
Xgtty = _tbase + 0xba;
Xioctl = _tbase + 0xc0;
Xkill = _tbase + 0xc6;
Xlink = _tbase + 0xcc;
Xlocking = _tbase + 0xd2;
Xlseek = _tbase + 0xd8;
Xmknod = _tbase + 0xde;
Xmount = _tbase + 0xe4;
Xmsgctl = _tbase + 0xea;
Xmsgget = _tbase + 0xf0;
Xmsgsnd = _tbase + 0xf6;
Xmsgrcv = _tbase + 0xfc;
Xnice = _tbase + 0x102;
Xopen = _tbase + 0x108;
Xopeni = _tbase + 0x10e;
Xpause = _tbase + 0x114;
Xpipe = _tbase + 0x11a;
Xprofil = _tbase + 0x120;
Xptrace = _tbase + 0x126;
Xread = _tbase + 0x12c;
Xsemctl = _tbase + 0x132;
Xsemget = _tbase + 0x138;
Xsemop = _tbase + 0x13e;
Xsetpgrp = _tbase + 0x144;
Xsetuid = _tbase + 0x14a;
Xsetgid = _tbase + 0x150;
Xshmctl = _tbase + 0x156;
Xshmget = _tbase + 0x15c;
Xshmat = _tbase + 0x162;
Xshmdt = _tbase + 0x168;
Xsignal = _tbase + 0x16e;
Xstat = _tbase + 0x174;
Xstty = _tbase + 0x17a;
Xfstat = _tbase + 0x180;
Xstime = _tbase + 0x186;
Xswrite = _tbase + 0x18c;
Xsync = _tbase + 0x192;
Xsyslocal = _tbase + 0x198;
Xtime = _tbase + 0x19e;
Xtimes = _tbase + 0x1a4;
Xulimit = _tbase + 0x1aa;
Xumask = _tbase + 0x1b0;
Xumount = _tbase + 0x1b6;
Xuname = _tbase + 0x1bc;
Xunlink = _tbase + 0x1c2;
Xustat = _tbase + 0x1c8;
Xutime = _tbase + 0x1ce;
Xwait = _tbase + 0x1d4;
Xwrite = _tbase + 0x1da;
Xabort = _tbase + 0x1e0;
Xabs = _tbase + 0x1e6;
Xatof = _tbase + 0x1ec;
Xclock = _tbase + 0x1f2;
Xcrypt = _tbase + 0x1f8;
Xsetkey = _tbase + 0x1fe;
Xencrypt = _tbase + 0x204;
Xctermid = _tbase + 0x20a;
Xctime = _tbase + 0x210;
Xlocaltime = _tbase + 0x216;
Xgmtime = _tbase + 0x21c;
Xasctime = _tbase + 0x222;
Xtzset = _tbase + 0x228;
Xcuserid = _tbase + 0x22e;
Xecvt = _tbase + 0x234;
Xfcvt = _tbase + 0x23a;
Xgcvt = _tbase + 0x240;
Xfclose = _tbase + 0x246;
Xfflush = _tbase + 0x24c;
Xfopen = _tbase + 0x252;
Xfreopen = _tbase + 0x258;
Xfdopen = _tbase + 0x25e;
Xfread = _tbase + 0x264;
Xfwrite = _tbase + 0x26a;
Xfrexp = _tbase + 0x270;
Xldexp = _tbase + 0x276;
Xmodf = _tbase + 0x27c;
Xfseek = _tbase + 0x282;
Xrewind = _tbase + 0x288;
Xftell = _tbase + 0x28e;
Xftw = _tbase + 0x294;
Xfgetc = _tbase + 0x29a;
Xgetw = _tbase + 0x2a0;
Xgetcwd = _tbase + 0x2a6;
Xgetenv = _tbase + 0x2ac;
Xgetgrent = _tbase + 0x2b2;
Xgetgrgid = _tbase + 0x2b8;
Xgetgrnam = _tbase + 0x2be;
Xsetgrent = _tbase + 0x2c4;
Xendgrent = _tbase + 0x2ca;
Xgetlogin = _tbase + 0x2d0;
Xgetopt = _tbase + 0x2d6;
Xgetpass = _tbase + 0x2dc;
Xgetpw = _tbase + 0x2e2;
Xgetpwent = _tbase + 0x2e8;
Xgetpwuid = _tbase + 0x2ee;
Xgetpwnam = _tbase + 0x2f4;
Xsetpwent = _tbase + 0x2fa;
Xendpwent = _tbase + 0x300;
Xgets = _tbase + 0x306;
Xgetchar = _tbase + 0x30c;
Xfgets = _tbase + 0x312;
Xgetutent = _tbase + 0x318;
Xgetutid = _tbase + 0x31e;
Xgetutline = _tbase + 0x324;
Xpututline = _tbase + 0x32a;
Xsetutent = _tbase + 0x330;
Xendutent = _tbase + 0x336;
Xutmpname = _tbase + 0x33c;
Xmemccpy = _tbase + 0x360;
Xmemchr = _tbase + 0x366;
Xmemcmp = _tbase + 0x36c;
Xmemcpy = _tbase + 0x372;
Xmemset = _tbase + 0x378;
Xmktemp = _tbase + 0x37e;
Xmonitor = _tbase + 0x384;
Xperror = _tbase + 0x38a;
Xpopen = _tbase + 0x390;
Xpclose = _tbase + 0x396;
Xprintf = _tbase + 0x39c;
Xfprintf = _tbase + 0x3a2;
Xsprintf = _tbase + 0x3a8;
Xfputc = _tbase + 0x3ae;
Xputw = _tbase + 0x3b4;
Xputpwent = _tbase + 0x3ba;
Xputs = _tbase + 0x3c0;
Xputchar = _tbase + 0x3c6;
Xfputs = _tbase + 0x3cc;
Xscanf = _tbase + 0x3d2;
Xfscanf = _tbase + 0x3d8;
Xsscanf = _tbase + 0x3de;
Xsetbuf = _tbase + 0x3e4;
Xsleep = _tbase + 0x3ea;
Xssignal = _tbase + 0x3f0;
Xgsignal = _tbase + 0x3f6;
Xstrcat = _tbase + 0x3fc;
Xstrncat = _tbase + 0x402;
Xstrcmp = _tbase + 0x408;
Xstrncmp = _tbase + 0x40e;
Xstrcpy = _tbase + 0x414;
Xstrncpy = _tbase + 0x41a;
Xstrlen = _tbase + 0x420;
Xstrchr = _tbase + 0x426;
Xstrrchr = _tbase + 0x42c;
Xstrpbrk = _tbase + 0x432;
Xstrspn = _tbase + 0x438;
Xstrcspn = _tbase + 0x43e;
Xstrtok = _tbase + 0x444;
Xstrtol = _tbase + 0x44a;
Xatol = _tbase + 0x450;
Xatoi = _tbase + 0x456;
Xswab = _tbase + 0x45c;
Xtmpfile = _tbase + 0x468;
Xtmpnam = _tbase + 0x46e;
Xtempnam = _tbase + 0x474;
Xttyname = _tbase + 0x47a;
Xisatty = _tbase + 0x480;
Xttyslot = _tbase + 0x486;
Xungetc = _tbase + 0x48c;
X_filbuf = _tbase + 0x492;
X_flsbuf = _tbase + 0x498;
Xlmul__ = _tbase + 0x49e;
Xlmul = _tbase + 0x4a4;
Xldiv__ = _tbase + 0x4aa;
Xldiv = _tbase + 0x4b0;
Xlrem__ = _tbase + 0x4b6;
Xlrem = _tbase + 0x4bc;
Xaldiv = _tbase + 0x4c2;
Xalmul = _tbase + 0x4c8;
Xalrem = _tbase + 0x4ce;
Xulmul = _tbase + 0x4d4;
Xuldiv__ = _tbase + 0x4da;
Xuldiv = _tbase + 0x4e0;
Xulrem__ = _tbase + 0x4e6;
Xulrem = _tbase + 0x4ec;
Xqsort = _tbase + 0x4f2;
Xl3tol = _tbase + 0x4f8;
Xltol3 = _tbase + 0x4fe;
Xtgetflag = _tbase + 0x504;
Xtgetent = _tbase + 0x50a;
Xtgetstr = _tbase + 0x510;
Xtgetnum = _tbase + 0x516;
Xtgoto = _tbase + 0x51c;
Xtputs = _tbase + 0x522;
Xform = _tbase + 0x528;
Xmenu = _tbase + 0x52e;
Xmessage = _tbase + 0x534;
Xsetattr = _tbase + 0x53a;
Xpb_open = _tbase + 0x540;
Xadf_gtxcd = _tbase + 0x546;
Xadf_gtwrd = _tbase + 0x54c;
Xpb_gets = _tbase + 0x552;
Xpb_check = _tbase + 0x558;
Xpb_weof = _tbase + 0x55e;
Xpb_seek = _tbase + 0x564;
Xpb_puts = _tbase + 0x56a;
Xpb_name = _tbase + 0x570;
Xpb_empty = _tbase + 0x576;
Xpb_gbuf = _tbase + 0x57c;
Xadf_gttok = _tbase + 0x582;
Xwrefresh = _tbase + 0x588;
Xtrack = _tbase + 0x58e;
Xwcreate = _tbase + 0x594;
Xinitscr = _tbase + 0x59a;
Xcbreak = _tbase + 0x5a0;
Xattroff = _tbase + 0x5a6;
Xnl = _tbase + 0x5ac;
Xattron = _tbase + 0x5b2;
Xflushinp = _tbase + 0x5b8;
Xnoecho = _tbase + 0x5be;
Xinch = _tbase + 0x5c4;
Xgetch = _tbase + 0x5ca;
Xsavetty = _tbase + 0x5d0;
Xresetty = _tbase + 0x5d6;
Xecho = _tbase + 0x5dc;
Xnocbreak = _tbase + 0x5e2;
Xnonl = _tbase + 0x5e8;
Xwdelete = _tbase + 0x5ee;
Xwprexec = _tbase + 0x5f4;
Xwpostwait = _tbase + 0x5fa;
Xwgetc = _tbase + 0x600;
Xkcodemap = _tbase + 0x606;
Xkeypad = _tbase + 0x60c;
Xwsigintr = _tbase + 0x612;
Xwind = _tbase + 0x618;
Xwsigcatch = _tbase + 0x61e;
Xwinit = _tbase + 0x624;
Xwsetbuf = _tbase + 0x62a;
Xiswind = _tbase + 0x630;
Xwexit = _tbase + 0x636;
Xendwin = _tbase + 0x63c;
Xwgetpos = _tbase + 0x642;
Xwgoto = _tbase + 0x648;
Xwinstr = _tbase + 0x64e;
Xwreadmouse = _tbase + 0x654;
Xwsetmouse = _tbase + 0x65a;
Xwgetmouse = _tbase + 0x660;
Xwnl = _tbase + 0x666;
Xwndelay = _tbase + 0x66c;
Xwprompt = _tbase + 0x672;
Xwguser = _tbase + 0x678;
Xwcmd = _tbase + 0x67e;
Xwslk = _tbase + 0x684;
Xwlabel = _tbase + 0x68a;
Xwuser = _tbase + 0x690;
Xwprintf = _tbase + 0x696;
Xprintw = _tbase + 0x69c;
Xwputc = _tbase + 0x6a2;
Xwputs = _tbase + 0x6a8;
Xwrastop = _tbase + 0x6ae;
Xwselect = _tbase + 0x6b4;
Xwgetsel = _tbase + 0x6ba;
Xwsetstat = _tbase + 0x6c0;
Xwgetstat = _tbase + 0x6c6;
Xsetty = _tbase + 0x6cc;
Xfixterm = _tbase + 0x6d2;
Xphysclr = _tbase + 0x6d8;
Xresetterm = _tbase + 0x6de;
Xsetterm = _tbase + 0x6e4;
Xgetterm = _tbase + 0x6ea;
Xbaudrate = _tbase + 0x6f0;
Xparseline = _tbase + 0x6f6;
Xslkcol = _tbase + 0x6fc;
Xsetjmp = _tbase + 0x702;
Xlongjmp = _tbase + 0x708;
Xafmulf = _tbase + 0x70e;
Xafdivf = _tbase + 0x714;
Xafaddf = _tbase + 0x71a;
X_cvfd = _tbase + 0x720;
X_cvif = _tbase + 0x726;
Xfltused = _tbase + 0x72c;
Xnlist = _tbase + 0x732;
Xfmul = _tbase + 0x738;
Xfdiv = _tbase + 0x73e;
Xfadd = _tbase + 0x744;
Xfsub = _tbase + 0x74a;
X_cvdf = _tbase + 0x750;
X_cvdi = _tbase + 0x756;
X_cvid = _tbase + 0x75c;
X_cvfi = _tbase + 0x762;
Xafadd = _tbase + 0x768;
Xafsub = _tbase + 0x76e;
Xafsubf = _tbase + 0x774;
Xafmul = _tbase + 0x77a;
Xexhelp = _tbase + 0x780;
Xtolower = _tbase + 0x786;
Xwicon = _tbase + 0x78c;
Xwicoff = _tbase + 0x792;
Xtoupper = _tbase + 0x798;
Xl64a = _tbase + 0x79e;
Xa64l = _tbase + 0x7a4;
X_bufsync = _tbase + 0x7aa;
Xsetuname = _tbase + 0x7b0;
Xauldiv = _tbase + 0x7b6;
Xeprintf = _tbase + 0x7bc;
Xdbsub__ = _tbase + 0x7c2;
Xdbadd__ = _tbase + 0x7c8;
Xdbdiv__ = _tbase + 0x7ce;
Xdbmul__ = _tbase + 0x7d4;
Xltodb__ = _tbase + 0x7da;
Xdbtol__ = _tbase + 0x7e0;
Xdbtofl__ = _tbase + 0x7e6;
Xfltodb__ = _tbase + 0x7ec;
Xltofl__ = _tbase + 0x7f2;
Xfltol__ = _tbase + 0x7f8;
Xultodb__ = _tbase + 0x7fe;
Xultofl__ = _tbase + 0x804;
Xaulmul = _tbase + 0x80a;
Xafdiv = _tbase + 0x810;
Xdbtst__ = _tbase + 0x816;
Xfltst__ = _tbase + 0x81c;
Xplock = _tbase + 0x822;
Xdial = _tbase + 0x828;
Xcallout = _tbase + 0x82e;
Xundial = _tbase + 0x834;
Xdrand48 = _tbase + 0x83a;
Xerand48 = _tbase + 0x840;
Xlrand48 = _tbase + 0x846;
Xmrand48 = _tbase + 0x84c;
Xsrand48 = _tbase + 0x852;
Xjrand48 = _tbase + 0x858;
Xseed48 = _tbase + 0x85e;
Xlcong48 = _tbase + 0x864;
Xrand = _tbase + 0x86a;
Xsrand = _tbase + 0x870;
Xftok = _tbase + 0x876;
Xputenv = _tbase + 0x87c;
Xtargets = _tbase + 0x882;
Xn_targets = _tbase + 0x888;
Xwtargeton = _tbase + 0x88e;
Xw_target = _tbase + 0x894;
X_fpachk = _tbase + 0x89a;
X_assert = _tbase + 0x8a0;
Xbsearch = _tbase + 0x8a6;
Xhcreate = _tbase + 0x8ac;
Xhsearch = _tbase + 0x8b2;
Xhdestroy = _tbase + 0x8b8;
Xtsearch = _tbase + 0x8be;
Xtdelete = _tbase + 0x8c4;
Xtwalk = _tbase + 0x8ca;
Xnrand48 = _tbase + 0x8d0;
chmod 0644 3b1port/kcl.ifile || echo "restore of 3b1port/kcl.ifile fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/lc.c &&
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#define COMSIZ 1024
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X int in[2];
X int out[2];
X char command[COMSIZ];
X char buf[4];
X char * cargs = "U1000";
X if (argc != 2) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Arg count.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X if (! strcmp(argv[0], "lc1"))
X cargs = "U1111";
X else if (! strcmp(argv[0], "lcs1"))
X cargs = "S1111";
X pipe(in);
X pipe(out);
X if (in[1] != 4 || out[0] != 5) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Can't get a pipe.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X fflush(stdout);
X if (fork() != 0) {
X close(in[0]);
X close(out[1]);
X argv[1], argv[1], cargs,
X 0) < 0) {
X fprintf(stderr, "Can't exec KCL.\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X }
X signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X close(in[1]);
X close(out[0]);
X for (;;) {
X if (read(in[0], command, COMSIZ) <= 0)
X exit(0);
X buf[0] = system(command);
X write(out[1], buf, 1);
X }
chmod 0644 3b1port/lc.c || echo "restore of 3b1port/lc.c fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/makefile &&
X# Select 'VAX', 'SUN', 'SUN2R3', 'SUN3', 'ISI', 'SEQ', 'IBMRT',
X# or 'NEWS'.
XHDIR = ../h
XODIR = ../o
XLSPDIR = ../lsp
XCMPDIR = ../cmpnew
XPORTDIR = ../3b1port
XDESTDIR = /usr/local/bin
XLIBDIR = /usr/local/lib
XMV = /bin/mv
XLN = /bin/ln
XCC = /bin/cc
XLD = /bin/ld
X -DKCLC_SELF=\"$(LIBDIR)/kclc\" \
X -DKCLI_SELF=\"$(LIBDIR)/kcli\" \
XLIBS = -lm
XOBJS = $(ODIR)/main.o $(ODIR)/alloc.o $(ODIR)/gbc.o \
X $(ODIR)/bitop.o $(ODIR)/typespec.o $(ODIR)/eval.o \
X $(ODIR)/macros.o $(ODIR)/lex.o $(ODIR)/bds.o \
X $(ODIR)/frame.o $(ODIR)/predicate.o $(ODIR)/reference.o \
X $(ODIR)/assignment.o $(ODIR)/bind.o $(ODIR)/let.o \
X $(ODIR)/conditional.o $(ODIR)/block.o $(ODIR)/iteration.o \
X $(ODIR)/mapfun.o $(ODIR)/prog.o $(ODIR)/multival.o \
X $(ODIR)/catch.o $(ODIR)/symbol.o $(ODIR)/cfun.o \
X $(ODIR)/cmpaux.o $(ODIR)/package.o $(ODIR)/big.o \
X $(ODIR)/number.o $(ODIR)/num_pred.o $(ODIR)/num_comp.o \
X $(ODIR)/num_arith.o $(ODIR)/num_sfun.o $(ODIR)/num_co.o \
X $(ODIR)/num_log.o $(ODIR)/num_rand.o $(ODIR)/earith.o \
X $(ODIR)/character.o $(ODIR)/char_table.o $(ODIR)/sequence.o \
X $(ODIR)/list.o $(ODIR)/hash.o $(ODIR)/array.o \
X $(ODIR)/string.o $(ODIR)/structure.o $(ODIR)/toplevel.o \
X $(ODIR)/file.o $(ODIR)/read.o $(ODIR)/backq.o \
X $(ODIR)/print.o $(ODIR)/format.o $(ODIR)/pathname.o \
X $(ODIR)/unixfsys.o $(ODIR)/unixfasl.o $(ODIR)/error.o \
X $(ODIR)/unixtime.o $(ODIR)/unixsys.o $(ODIR)/unixsave.o \
X $(ODIR)/unixint.o
XLSPOBJS = $(LSPDIR)/defmacro.o $(LSPDIR)/evalmacros.o $(LSPDIR)/top.o \
X $(LSPDIR)/module.o $(LSPDIR)/predlib.o $(LSPDIR)/setf.o \
X $(LSPDIR)/arraylib.o $(LSPDIR)/assert.o $(LSPDIR)/defstruct.o \
X $(LSPDIR)/describe.o $(LSPDIR)/iolib.o $(LSPDIR)/listlib.o \
X $(LSPDIR)/mislib.o $(LSPDIR)/numlib.o $(LSPDIR)/packlib.o \
X $(LSPDIR)/seq.o $(LSPDIR)/seqlib.o $(LSPDIR)/trace.o
XCMPOBJS = $(CMPDIR)/cmpinline.o $(CMPDIR)/cmputil.o $(CMPDIR)/cmptype.o \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmpbind.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpblock.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpcall.o \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmpcatch.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpenv.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpeval.o \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmpflet.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpfun.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpif.o \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmplabel.o $(CMPDIR)/cmplam.o $(CMPDIR)/cmplet.o \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmploc.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpmap.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpmulti.o \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmpspecial.o $(CMPDIR)/cmptag.o $(CMPDIR)/cmptop.o \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmpvar.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpvs.o $(CMPDIR)/cmpwt.o
Xall: kcli_s kclc_s kcl lc ild \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmpmain.lsp \
X $(CMPDIR)/lfun_list.lsp \
X $(CMPDIR)/cmpopt.lsp \
X undump
Xkcli_s: $(OBJS) sys_kcli.o $(LSPOBJS)
X $(LD) /lib/crt0s.o kcl.ifile -o kcli_s $(OBJS) sys_kcli.o $(LSPOBJS) $(LIBS)
Xkclc_s: $(OBJS) sys_kclc.o $(LSPOBJS) $(CMPOBJS)
X $(LD) /lib/crt0s.o kcl.ifile -o kclc_s $(OBJS) sys_kclc.o $(LSPOBJS) $(CMPOBJS) $(LIBS)
Xsys_kcli.o: sys_kcli.c
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c sys_kcli.c
Xsys_kclc.o: sys_kclc.c
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c sys_kclc.c
Xkcl: kcl.c
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c kcl.c
X $(LD) /lib/crt0s.o /lib/shlib.ifile -s -o kcl kcl.o
Xlc: lc.c
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lc.c
X $(LD) /lib/crt0s.o /lib/shlib.ifile -s -o lc lc.o
Xild: ild.c
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ild.c
X $(LD) /lib/crt0s.o /lib/shlib.ifile -s -o ild ild.o -lld
Xundump: undump.c
X $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c undump.c
X $(LD) /lib/crt0s.o /lib/shlib.ifile -s -o undump undump.o -lld
X rm -f kcli_s kclc_s kcli kclc kcl lc *.o core a.out
Xinstall: all
X $(MV) kcl $(DESTDIR)
X $(LN) lc lc1
X $(LN) lc lcs1
X $(MV) lc $(DESTDIR)
X $(MV) lc1 $(DESTDIR)
X $(MV) lcs1 $(DESTDIR)
X $(MV) kcli $(LIBDIR)/kcli
X $(MV) kclc $(LIBDIR)/kclc
X $(MV) kcli_s $(LIBDIR)/kcli_s
X $(MV) kclc_s $(LIBDIR)/kclc_s
X $(MV) ild $(LIBDIR)/ild
X $(MV) undump $(DESTDIR)/undump
chmod 0644 3b1port/makefile || echo "restore of 3b1port/makefile fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/sys_kclc.c &&
X#include "include.h"
Xstatic object fasl_data;
X enter_mark_origin(&fasl_data);
X fasl_data = Cnil;
X load("../lsp/export.lsp");
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/defmacro.o");
X init_defmacro(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/evalmacros.o");
X init_evalmacros(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/top.o");
X init_top(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/module.o");
X init_module(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X load("../lsp/autoload.lsp");
X printf("Initializing predlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/predlib.o");
X init_predlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing setf... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/setf.o");
X init_setf(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing arraylib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/arraylib.o");
X init_arraylib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing assert... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/assert.o");
X init_assert(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing defstruct... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/defstruct.o");
X init_defstruct(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing describe... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/describe.o");
X init_describe(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing iolib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/iolib.o");
X init_iolib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing listlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/listlib.o");
X init_listlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing mislib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/mislib.o");
X init_mislib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing numlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/numlib.o");
X init_numlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing packlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/packlib.o");
X init_packlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing seq... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/seq.o");
X init_seq(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing seqlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/seqlib.o");
X init_seqlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing trace... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/trace.o");
X init_trace(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpinline... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpinline.o");
X init_cmpinline(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmputil... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmputil.o");
X init_cmputil(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmptype... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmptype.o");
X init_cmptype(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpbind... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpbind.o");
X init_cmpbind(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpblock... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpblock.o");
X init_cmpblock(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpcall... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpcall.o");
X init_cmpcall(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpcatch... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpcatch.o");
X init_cmpcatch(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpenv... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpenv.o");
X init_cmpenv(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpeval... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpeval.o");
X init_cmpeval(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpflet... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpflet.o");
X init_cmpflet(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpfun... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpfun.o");
X init_cmpfun(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpif... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpif.o");
X init_cmpif(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmplabel... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmplabel.o");
X init_cmplabel(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmplam... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmplam.o");
X init_cmplam(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmplet... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmplet.o");
X init_cmplet(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmploc... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmploc.o");
X init_cmploc(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpmap... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpmap.o");
X init_cmpmap(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpmulti... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpmulti.o");
X init_cmpmulti(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpspecial... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpspecial.o");
X init_cmpspecial(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmptag... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmptag.o");
X init_cmptag(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmptop... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmptop.o");
X init_cmptop(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpvar... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpvar.o");
X init_cmpvar(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpvs... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpvs.o");
X init_cmpvs(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing cmpwt... "); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../cmpnew/cmpwt.o");
X init_cmpwt(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
chmod 0644 3b1port/sys_kclc.c || echo "restore of 3b1port/sys_kclc.c fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/sys_kcli.c &&
X#include "include.h"
Xstatic object fasl_data;
X enter_mark_origin(&fasl_data);
X fasl_data = Cnil;
X load("../lsp/export.lsp");
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/defmacro.o");
X init_defmacro(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/evalmacros.o");
X init_evalmacros(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/top.o");
X init_top(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/module.o");
X init_module(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X load("../lsp/autoload.lsp");
X printf("Initializing predlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/predlib.o");
X init_predlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing setf... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/setf.o");
X init_setf(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing arraylib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/arraylib.o");
X init_arraylib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing assert... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/assert.o");
X init_assert(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing defstruct... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/defstruct.o");
X init_defstruct(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing describe... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/describe.o");
X init_describe(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing iolib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/iolib.o");
X init_iolib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing listlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/listlib.o");
X init_listlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing mislib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/mislib.o");
X init_mislib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing numlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/numlib.o");
X init_numlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing packlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/packlib.o");
X init_packlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing seq... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/seq.o");
X init_seq(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing seqlib... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/seqlib.o");
X init_seqlib(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X printf("Initializing trace... "); fflush(stdout);
X fasl_data = read_fasl_data("../lsp/trace.o");
X init_trace(NULL, 0, fasl_data);
X printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
X Vpackage->s.s_dbind = user_package;
chmod 0644 3b1port/sys_kcli.c || echo "restore of 3b1port/sys_kcli.c fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/undump.1 &&
X.TH UNDUMP 1 "University of Utah"
Xundump \- convert a core dump to an executable a.out file
Xundump new-a.out-file [old-a.out-file] [core-file]
XUndump takes a core dump file and the executable "a.out" file which
Xcaused it and produces a new executable file with all static
Xvariables initialized to the values they held at the time of the
Xcore dump. It is primarily useful for programs which take a long time
Xto initialize themselves, e.g., Emacs. The idea is to go through all of
Xthe initializations and then create a core dump (e.g., with the abort()
Xcall). One then uses undump to make a new executable file with all of it
Xdone. This usually implies the use of a global flag variable which says
Xwhether or not initialization has been done.
XUndump's arguments, old-a.out-file and core-file, default to "a.out" and
X"core", respectively.
XA few things to keep in mind about undump:
XIt doesn't preserve open files.
XThe program will be re-entered at the beginning of main(), not at the point
Xwhere the core dump occurred.
XProbably should have an option to not require
Xold-a.out-file if the core came from a 407 file.
XThe UNIXpc version of undump strips all line number, symbol table and
Xstring table information from the resulting executable.
chmod 0644 3b1port/undump.1 || echo "restore of 3b1port/undump.1 fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/undump.c &&
X * undump - resurrect a core file into a runnable program.
X *
X * for UNIX System V on a 3Bx
X * that uses the Common Object File Format
X *
X * Author:
X * Lou Salkind
X * New York University
X * Tue Mar 3 13:18:25 EST 1987
X *
X * Adapted from:
X * Spencer Thomas's undump and the file unexec.c in GNU emacs
X *
X * Modified:
X * Brant Cheikes
X * University of Pennsylvania
X * Department of Computer and Information Science
X * ARPA: brant at linc.cis.upenn.edu, UUCP: ...drexel!manta!brant
X * Wed Jun 1 00:57:16 EDT 1988
X * Patched to make it fly on an AT&T UNIXpc (aka PC7300, 3b1).
X * Bug: undump currently won't dump out line numbers, symbol
X * table entries, or the string table. Thus the resulting
X * a.out looks like the result of an ld with the -s (strip)
X * option.
X */
X#include <sys/param.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/signal.h>
X#include <sys/user.h>
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sys/stat.h>
X#include <aouthdr.h>
X#include <filehdr.h>
X#include <scnhdr.h>
X#ifndef UNIXPC
X#include <syms.h>
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
X#define PAGE_SIZE NBPC /* size of a page in bytes */
Xstruct filehdr fh; /* file header */
XAOUTHDR aout; /* optional header */
Xstruct scnhdr tsc; /* text section header */
Xstruct scnhdr dsc; /* data section header */
Xstruct scnhdr bsc; /* bss section header */
X#ifdef UNIXPC
Xstruct scnhdr lsc; /* shared lib section header */
X#endif /* UNIXPC */
Xlong text_scnptr;
Xlong data_scnptr;
X#ifndef UNIXPC
Xlong bias;
Xlong lnnoptr;
Xlong symlocptr;
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
Xmain(argc, argv)
X char **argv;
X FILE *afp, *cfp, *nfp;
X struct user u;
X long off, size;
X struct scnhdr sc;
X int i;
X char *a_out_name = "a.out";
X char *core_name = "core";
X char *new_name;
X if (argc < 2 || argc > 4) {
X fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s new [a.out [core]]\n", argv[0]);
X exit(1);
X }
X new_name = argv[1];
X if (argc > 2)
X a_out_name = argv[2];
X if (argc > 3)
X core_name = argv[3];
X afp = fopen(a_out_name, "r");
X if (afp == 0)
X Perror(a_out_name);
X cfp = fopen(core_name, "r");
X if (cfp == 0)
X Perror(core_name);
X nfp = fopen(new_name, "w");
X if (nfp == 0)
X Perror(new_name);
X /*
X * Read in the file header and optional file header from
X * the a.out file.
X */
X if (fread(&fh, sizeof(fh), 1, afp) != 1)
X Perror("fh read");
X if (fread(&aout, sizeof(aout), 1, afp) != 1)
X Perror("aout read");
X /*
X * Read in the various section headers.
X */
X for (i = 0; i < fh.f_nscns; i++) {
X if (fread(&sc, sizeof(sc), 1, afp) != 1)
X Perror("scnhdr read");
X if (strcmp(sc.s_name, ".text") == 0) {
X tsc = sc;
X } else if (strcmp(sc.s_name, ".data") == 0) {
X dsc = sc;
X } else if (strcmp(sc.s_name, ".bss") == 0) {
X bsc = sc;
X#ifdef UNIXPC
X } else if (strcmp(sc.s_name, ".lib") == 0) {
X lsc = sc;
X#endif /* UNIXPC */
X }
X }
X#ifdef UNIXPC
X /*
X * The kernel stack (I think) takes up the first U_OFFSET
X * bytes of the core file, followed by the user structure.
X * Skip past that junk and get down to the nitty-gritty.
X */
X fseek(cfp, (long)U_OFFSET, 0);
X#endif /* UNIXPC */
X /*
X * Read in the user structure from the core file and perform
X * a sanity check.
X */
X if (fread(&u, sizeof(u), 1, cfp) != 1)
X Perror("core read");
X if (u.u_exdata.ux_tsize != aout.tsize ||
X u.u_exdata.ux_dsize != aout.dsize ||
X u.u_exdata.ux_bsize != aout.bsize) {
X fprintf(stderr,"mismatch between %s and %s sizes\n",a_out_name, core_name);
X exit(1);
X }
X /*
X * off = offset to start of actual mem dump data in core file.
X * size = size of new .data section.
X */
X size = u.u_dsize * PAGE_SIZE;
X fh.f_flags |= F_RELFLG | F_EXEC;
X /*
X * .data section size of new a.out = data size at time of
X * core dump. .bss size is now zero (no uninitialized data).
X */
X aout.dsize = size;
X aout.bsize = 0;
X /*
X * text size same as text size of a.out.
X */
X tsc.s_size = aout.tsize;
X#ifndef UNIXPC
X /*
X * I'm commenting out the following code, since I believe we can use
X * unmodified the scnptr of the text section stored in the original
X * a.out. Nothing we have done needs to alter its starting point.
X * In fact, we arguably SHOULDN'T alter the text starting point, since
X * certain kinds of files require special alignments of text and data
X * sections, both in memory and in the file. If it ain't broke, don't
X * fix it.
X */
X tsc.s_scnptr = sizeof(fh) + sizeof(aout);
X tsc.s_scnptr += fh.f_nscns * sizeof (struct scnhdr);
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
X text_scnptr = tsc.s_scnptr;
X#ifndef UNIXPC
X lnnoptr = tsc.s_lnnoptr;
X symlocptr = fh.f_symptr;
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
X#ifndef UNIXPC
X /*
X * I'm going to assume that the .text section size never
X * grows. Thus, we need not tweak the paddr and vaddr of
X * the .data section, since its start point has not moved.
X */
X dsc.s_paddr = dsc.s_vaddr = aout.data_start;
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
X /*
X * New .data size is computed from core dump.
X * Initialize pointer to raw .data section in the file.
X */
X dsc.s_size = size;
X dsc.s_scnptr = tsc.s_scnptr + tsc.s_size;
X#ifdef UNIXPC
X /*
X * Magic 0413 files require that the .data section be aligned
X * on a 1024 byte boundary IN THE FILE.
X */
X if (u.u_exdata.ux_mag == 0413)
X dsc.s_scnptr = (dsc.s_scnptr + 0x400) & ~0x3ff;
X#endif /* UNIXPC */
X data_scnptr = dsc.s_scnptr;
X /*
X * Tweak .bss header values.
X */
X bsc.s_paddr = bsc.s_vaddr = aout.data_start + aout.dsize;
X bsc.s_size = aout.bsize;
X bsc.s_scnptr = 0L;
X#ifdef UNIXPC
X /*
X * Adjust the physical/virtual addresses of the shared lib,
X * if present. Basically, since the .bss section has just
X * disappeared, the shlib and .bss end up with the same addresses.
X */
X if (fh.f_nscns > 3) {
X lsc.s_paddr = lsc.s_vaddr = aout.data_start + aout.dsize;
X lsc.s_size = lsc.s_scnptr = 0L;
X }
X#endif /* UNIXPC */
X#ifndef UNIXPC
X bias = dsc.s_scnptr + dsc.s_size - lnnoptr;
X if (fh.f_symptr > 0L)
X fh.f_symptr += bias;
X if (tsc.s_lnnoptr > 0L)
X tsc.s_lnnoptr += bias;
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
X /*
X * Write out the file header, optional file header, and the
X * various section headers.
X */
X if (fwrite(&fh, sizeof(fh), 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("fh write");
X if (fwrite(&aout, sizeof(aout), 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("aout write");
X if (fwrite(&tsc, sizeof(tsc), 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("ts hdr write");
X if (fwrite(&dsc, sizeof(dsc), 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("ds hdr write");
X if (fwrite(&bsc, sizeof(bsc), 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("bs hdr write");
X#ifdef UNIXPC
X /*
X * Dump out shared lib section header, if it was present
X * in the old a.out.
X */
X if (fh.f_nscns > 3)
X if (fwrite(&lsc, sizeof(lsc), 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("lib hdr write");
X#endif /* UNIXPC */
X /*
X * Hokay, set position in core file to right after user structure.
X * Position in new a.out to where text_scnptr says.
X */
X fseek(cfp, off, 0);
X fseek(nfp, text_scnptr, 0);
X#ifdef UNIXPC
X /*
X * If we have a 0407 file, then we have to copy the text from
X * the core file. If not, we copy the text from the original
X * a.out.
X */
X if (u.u_exdata.ux_mag == 0407)
X copy(cfp, nfp, aout.tsize);
X else {
X fseek(afp, text_scnptr, 0);
X copy(afp, nfp, aout.tsize);
X }
X copy(afp, nfp, aout.tsize);
X fseek(nfp, data_scnptr, 0);
X copy(cfp, nfp, size);
X#ifndef UNIXPC
X copy_syms(afp, nfp);
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
X fclose(nfp);
X fclose(afp);
X fclose(cfp);
X mark_x(new_name);
X exit(0);
X#ifndef UNIXPC
Xcopy_syms(afp, nfp)
X register FILE *afp, *nfp;
X char page[BUFSIZ];
X register int n;
X register int nsyms;
X struct syment symentry;
X AUXENT auxentry;
X /* if there are line numbers, copy them */
X if (lnnoptr) {
X if (fseek(afp, lnnoptr, 0) == -1L)
X Perror("ln fseek");
X copy(afp, nfp, symlocptr - lnnoptr);
X }
X /* now write the symbol table */
X if (fseek(nfp, fh.f_symptr, 0) == -1L)
X Perror("symtbl fseek");
X for (nsyms = 0; nsyms < fh.f_nsyms; nsyms++) {
X if (fread(&symentry, SYMESZ, 1, afp) != 1)
X Perror("sym fread");
X if (fwrite(&symentry, SYMESZ, 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("sym fwrite");
X /*
X * adjust relative offsets of line numbers for
X * function definitions
X */
X if (symentry.n_numaux) {
X if (fread(&auxentry, AUXESZ, 1, afp) != 1)
X Perror("aux fread");
X nsyms++;
X if (ISFCN (symentry.n_type))
X auxentry.x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr += bias;
X if (fwrite(&auxentry, AUXESZ, 1, nfp) != 1)
X Perror("aux fwrite");
X }
X }
X /* finally write the string table, if any */
X while ((n = fread(page, 1, sizeof(page), afp)) > 0) {
X if (fwrite(page, 1, n, nfp) != n)
X Perror("sym write");
X }
X if (n < 0)
X Perror("sym read");
X#endif /* not UNIXPC */
X * After succesfully building the new a.out, mark it executable
X */
X char *name;
X struct stat sbuf;
X int um;
X um = umask(777);
X umask(um);
X if (stat(name, &sbuf) == -1) {
X perror ("Can't stat new a.out");
X fprintf(stderr, "Setting protection to %o\n", 0777 & ~um);
X sbuf.st_mode = 0777;
X }
X sbuf.st_mode |= 0111 & ~um;
X if (chmod(name, sbuf.st_mode) == -1)
X Perror("Couldn't mark new a.out executable");
Xcopy(a, b, size)
X register FILE *a, *b;
X long size;
X char buf[BUFSIZ];
X register int i, n;
X while (size > 0) {
X i = size;
X if (i > sizeof(buf))
X i = sizeof(buf);
X if ((n = fread(buf, 1, i, a)) <= 0)
X Perror("copy read");
X if (fwrite(buf, 1, n, b) != n)
X Perror("copy write");
X size -= n;
X }
X char *s;
X perror(s);
X exit(1);
chmod 0644 3b1port/undump.c || echo "restore of 3b1port/undump.c fails"
# shar: Shell Archiver (v1.22)
# Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
# 3b1port/diffs/3b1_chtab.s
# 3b1port/diffs/alloc.c.diff
# 3b1port/diffs/bitop.c.diff
# 3b1port/diffs/cmpinclude.h
# 3b1port/diffs/dpp.c.diff
# 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.c.dif
# 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.diff
# 3b1port/diffs/include.h.diff
# 3b1port/diffs/main.c.diff
# 3b1port/diffs/unixsave.c.dif
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/3b1_chtab.s &&
X data
X even
X space 1024
X global character_table
X space 2048
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/3b1_chtab.s || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/3b1_chtab.s fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/alloc.c.diff &&
X*** alloc.c.orig Sat Oct 8 18:37:24 1988
X--- alloc.c Sat Oct 8 18:44:17 1988
X*** 74,80
X if (n <= m)
X return(e);
X! #ifdef BSD
X if (core_end != sbrk(0))
X error("Someone allocated my memory!");
X if (core_end != sbrk(PAGESIZE*(n - m)))
X--- 74,80 -----
X if (n <= m)
X return(e);
X! #if defined(BSD) || defined(ATT3b1)
X if (core_end != sbrk(0))
X error("Someone allocated my memory!");
X if (core_end != sbrk(PAGESIZE*(n - m)))
X*** 79,86
X error("Someone allocated my memory!");
X if (core_end != sbrk(PAGESIZE*(n - m)))
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X! #endif
X #ifdef ATT
X if (PAGESIZE*(n - m) > pagetochar(MAXPAGE) - core_end)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X--- 79,85 -----
X error("Someone allocated my memory!");
X if (core_end != sbrk(PAGESIZE*(n - m)))
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X! #else
X #ifdef ATT
X if (PAGESIZE*(n - m) > pagetochar(MAXPAGE) - core_end)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X*** 85,91
X if (PAGESIZE*(n - m) > pagetochar(MAXPAGE) - core_end)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X #endif
X #ifdef E15
X if (PAGESIZE*(n - m) > pagetochar(MAXPAGE) - core_end)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X--- 84,90 -----
X if (PAGESIZE*(n - m) > pagetochar(MAXPAGE) - core_end)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X #endif
X! #endif
X #ifdef E15
X if (PAGESIZE*(n - m) > pagetochar(MAXPAGE) - core_end)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!");
X*** 510,516
X set_maxpage();
X! #ifdef UNIX
X heap_end = sbrk(0);
X if (i = ((int)heap_end & (PAGESIZE - 1)))
X sbrk(PAGESIZE - i);
X--- 509,515 -----
X set_maxpage();
X! #if defined(UNIX) || defined(ATT3b1)
X heap_end = sbrk(0);
X if (i = ((int)heap_end & (PAGESIZE - 1)))
X sbrk(PAGESIZE - i);
X*** 515,522
X if (i = ((int)heap_end & (PAGESIZE - 1)))
X sbrk(PAGESIZE - i);
X heap_end = core_end = sbrk(0);
X! #endif
X #ifdef ATT
X if (brk(pagetochar(MAXPAGE)) < 0)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!.");
X--- 514,520 -----
X if (i = ((int)heap_end & (PAGESIZE - 1)))
X sbrk(PAGESIZE - i);
X heap_end = core_end = sbrk(0);
X! #else
X #ifdef ATT
X if (brk(pagetochar(MAXPAGE)) < 0)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!.");
X*** 521,527
X if (brk(pagetochar(MAXPAGE)) < 0)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!.");
X #endif
X #ifdef E15
X if (brk(pagetochar(MAXPAGE)) < 0)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!.");
X--- 519,525 -----
X if (brk(pagetochar(MAXPAGE)) < 0)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!.");
X #endif
X! #endif
X #ifdef E15
X if (brk(pagetochar(MAXPAGE)) < 0)
X error("Can't allocate. Good-bye!.");
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/alloc.c.diff || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/alloc.c.diff fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/bitop.c.diff &&
X*** bitop.c.orig Sat Oct 8 18:45:32 1988
X--- bitop.c Sat Oct 8 18:50:59 1988
X*** 385,387
X }
X #endif
X--- 385,428 -----
X }
X #endif
X+ #ifdef SGS68K
X+ get_mark_bit(x)
X+ int *x;
X+ {
X+ asm(" mov.l 8(%fp),%d0");
X+ asm(" lsr.l &2,%d0");
X+ asm(" mov.l %d0,%d1");
X+ asm(" lsr.l &3,%d1");
X+ asm(" mov.l mark_table,%a0");
X+ asm(" btst %d0,0(%a0,%d1.l)");
X+ asm(" sne %d0");
X+ asm(" and.l &1,%d0");
X+ }
X+ set_mark_bit(x)
X+ int *x;
X+ {
X+ asm(" mov.l 8(%fp),%d0");
X+ asm(" lsr.l &2,%d0");
X+ asm(" mov.l %d0,%d1");
X+ asm(" lsr.l &3,%d1");
X+ asm(" mov.l mark_table,%a0");
X+ asm(" bset %d0,0(%a0,%d1.l)");
X+ }
X+ get_set_mark_bit(x)
X+ int *x;
X+ {
X+ asm(" mov.l 8(%fp),%d0");
X+ asm(" lsr.l &2,%d0");
X+ asm(" mov.l %d0,%d1");
X+ asm(" lsr.l &3,%d1");
X+ asm(" mov.l mark_table,%a0");
X+ asm(" bset %d0,0(%a0,%d1.l)");
X+ asm(" sne %d0");
X+ asm(" and.l &1,%d0");
X+ }
X+ #endif
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/bitop.c.diff || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/bitop.c.diff fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/cmpinclude.h &&
X(c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved.
XCopying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and
Xproper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP.
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <setjmp.h>
X#define TRUE 1
X#define FALSE 0
Xtypedef int bool;
Xtypedef int fixnum;
Xtypedef float shortfloat;
Xtypedef double longfloat;
Xtypedef union lispunion *object;
X#define OBJNULL ((object)NULL)
Xstruct fixnum_struct {
X short t, m;
X fixnum FIXVAL;
X#define fix(x) (x)->FIX.FIXVAL
Xstruct fixnum_struct small_fixnum_table[];
X#define small_fixnum(i) (object)(small_fixnum_table+SMALL_FIXNUM_LIMIT+(i))
Xstruct shortfloat_struct {
X short t, m;
X shortfloat SFVAL;
X#define sf(x) (x)->SF.SFVAL
Xstruct longfloat_struct {
X short t, m;
X longfloat LFVAL;
X#define lf(x) (x)->LF.LFVAL
Xstruct character {
X short t, m;
X unsigned short ch_code;
X unsigned char ch_font;
X unsigned char ch_bits;
Xextern struct character character_table[];
X#define code_char(c) (object)(character_table+(c))
X#define char_code(x) (x)->ch.ch_code
X#define char_font(x) (x)->ch.ch_font
X#define char_bits(x) (x)->ch.ch_bits
Xenum stype {
X stp_ordinary,
X stp_constant,
X stp_special
Xstruct symbol {
X short t, m;
X object s_dbind;
X int (*s_sfdef)();
X#define s_fillp st_fillp
X#define s_self st_self
X int s_fillp;
X char *s_self;
X object s_gfdef;
X object s_plist;
X object s_hpack;
X short s_stype;
X short s_mflag;
Xstruct cons {
X short t, m;
X object c_cdr;
X object c_car;
Xstruct array {
X short t, m;
X short a_rank;
X short a_adjustable;
X int a_dim;
X int *a_dims;
X object *a_self;
X object a_displaced;
X short a_elttype;
X short a_offset;
Xstruct vector {
X short t, m;
X short v_hasfillp;
X short v_adjustable;
X int v_dim;
X int v_fillp;
X object *v_self;
X object v_displaced;
X short v_elttype;
X short v_offset;
Xstruct string {
X short t, m;
X short st_hasfillp;
X short st_adjustable;
X int st_dim;
X int st_fillp;
X char *st_self;
X object st_displaced;
Xstruct ustring {
X short t, m;
X short ust_hasfillp;
X short ust_adjustable;
X int ust_dim;
X int ust_fillp;
X unsigned char
X *ust_self;
X object ust_displaced;
Xstruct bitvector {
X short t, m;
X short bv_hasfillp;
X short bv_adjustable;
X int bv_dim;
X int bv_fillp;
X char *bv_self;
X object bv_displaced;
X short bv_elttype;
X short bv_offset;
Xstruct fixarray {
X short t, m;
X short fixa_rank;
X short fixa_adjustable;
X int fixa_dim;
X int *fixa_dims;
X fixnum *fixa_self;
X object fixa_displaced;
X short fixa_elttype;
X short fixa_offset;
Xstruct sfarray {
X short t, m;
X short sfa_rank;
X short sfa_adjustable;
X int sfa_dim;
X int *sfa_dims;
X shortfloat
X *sfa_self;
X object sfa_displaced;
X short sfa_elttype;
X short sfa_offset;
Xstruct lfarray {
X short t, m;
X short lfa_rank;
X short lfa_adjustable;
X int lfa_dim;
X int *lfa_dims;
X longfloat
X *lfa_self;
X object lfa_displaced;
X short lfa_elttype;
X short lfa_offset;
Xstruct structure {
X short t, m;
X object str_name;
X object *str_self;
X int str_length;
Xstruct cfun {
X short t, m;
X object cf_name;
X int (*cf_self)();
X object cf_data;
X char *cf_start;
X int cf_size;
Xstruct cclosure {
X short t, m;
X object cc_name;
X int (*cc_self)();
X object cc_env;
X object cc_data;
X char *cc_start;
X int cc_size;
X object *cc_turbo;
Xstruct dummy {
X short t, m;
Xunion lispunion {
X struct fixnum_struct
X struct shortfloat_struct
X struct longfloat_struct
X struct character
X ch;
X struct symbol s;
X struct cons c;
X struct array a;
X struct vector v;
X struct string st;
X struct ustring ust;
X struct bitvector
X bv;
X struct structure
X str;
X struct cfun cf;
X struct cclosure cc;
X struct dummy d;
X struct fixarray fixa;
X struct sfarray sfa;
X struct lfarray lfa;
Xenum type {
X t_cons = 0,
X t_start = t_cons,
X t_fixnum,
X t_bignum,
X t_ratio,
X t_shortfloat,
X t_longfloat,
X t_complex,
X t_character,
X t_symbol,
X t_package,
X t_hashtable,
X t_array,
X t_vector,
X t_string,
X t_bitvector,
X t_structure,
X t_stream,
X t_random,
X t_readtable,
X t_pathname,
X t_cfun,
X t_cclosure,
X t_spice,
X t_end,
X t_contiguous,
X t_relocatable,
X t_other
X#define type_of(obje) ((enum type)(((object)(obje))->d.t))
X#define endp(obje) endp1(obje)
Xextern object value_stack[];
X#define vs_org value_stack
Xextern object *vs_limit;
Xextern object *vs_base;
Xextern object *vs_top;
X#define vs_push(obje) (*vs_top++ = (obje))
X#define vs_pop (*--vs_top)
X#define vs_head vs_top[-1]
X#define vs_mark object *old_vs_top = vs_top
X#define vs_reset vs_top = old_vs_top
X#define vs_check if (vs_top >= vs_limit) \
X vs_overflow();
X#define vs_check_push(obje) \
X (vs_top >= vs_limit ? \
X (object)vs_overflow() : (*vs_top++ = (obje)))
X#define check_arg(n) \
X if (vs_top - vs_base != (n)) \
X check_arg_failed(n)
X#define MMcheck_arg(n) \
X if (vs_top - vs_base < (n)) \
X too_few_arguments(); \
X else if (vs_top - vs_base > (n)) \
X too_many_arguments()
X#define vs_reserve(x) if(vs_base+(x) >= vs_limit) \
X vs_overflow();
Xstruct bds_bd {
X object bds_sym;
X object bds_val;
Xextern struct bds_bd bind_stack[];
X#define bds_org bind_stack
Xtypedef struct bds_bd *bds_ptr;
Xextern bds_ptr bds_limit;
Xextern bds_ptr bds_top;
X#define bds_check \
X if (bds_top >= bds_limit) \
X bds_overflow()
X#define bds_bind(sym, val) \
X ((++bds_top)->bds_sym = (sym), \
X bds_top->bds_val = (sym)->s.s_dbind, \
X (sym)->s.s_dbind = (val))
X#define bds_unwind1 \
X ((bds_top->bds_sym)->s.s_dbind = bds_top->bds_val, --bds_top)
Xtypedef struct invocation_history {
X object ihs_function;
X object *ihs_base;
X} *ihs_ptr;
Xextern struct invocation_history ihs_stack[];
X#define ihs_org ihs_stack
Xextern ihs_ptr ihs_limit;
Xextern ihs_ptr ihs_top;
X#define ihs_check \
X if (ihs_top >= ihs_limit) \
X ihs_overflow()
X#define ihs_push(function) \
X (++ihs_top)->ihs_function = (function); \
X ihs_top->ihs_base = vs_base
X#define ihs_pop() (ihs_top--)
Xenum fr_class {
Xstruct frame {
X jmp_buf frs_jmpbuf;
X object *frs_lex;
X bds_ptr frs_bds_top;
X enum fr_class frs_class;
X object frs_val;
X ihs_ptr frs_ihs;
Xtypedef struct frame *frame_ptr;
X#define alloc_frame_id() alloc_object(t_spice)
Xextern struct frame frame_stack[];
X#define frs_org frame_stack
Xextern frame_ptr frs_limit;
Xextern frame_ptr frs_top;
X#define frs_push(class, val) \
X if (++frs_top >= frs_limit) \
X frs_overflow(); \
X frs_top->frs_lex = lex_env;\
X frs_top->frs_bds_top = bds_top; \
X frs_top->frs_class = (class); \
X frs_top->frs_val = (val); \
X frs_top->frs_ihs = ihs_top; \
X setjmp(frs_top->frs_jmpbuf)
X#define frs_pop() frs_top--
Xextern bool nlj_active;
Xextern frame_ptr nlj_fr;
Xextern object nlj_tag;
Xextern object *lex_env;
Xobject caar();
Xobject cadr();
Xobject cdar();
Xobject cddr();
Xobject caaar();
Xobject caadr();
Xobject cadar();
Xobject caddr();
Xobject cdaar();
Xobject cdadr();
Xobject cddar();
Xobject cdddr();
Xobject caaaar();
Xobject caaadr();
Xobject caadar();
Xobject caaddr();
Xobject cadaar();
Xobject cadadr();
Xobject caddar();
Xobject cadddr();
Xobject cdaaar();
Xobject cdaadr();
Xobject cdadar();
Xobject cdaddr();
Xobject cddaar();
Xobject cddadr();
Xobject cdddar();
Xobject cddddr();
X#define MMcons(a,d) make_cons((a),(d))
X#define MMcar(x) (x)->c.c_car
X#define MMcdr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcar(x) (x)->c.c_car
X#define CMPcdr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcaar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_car
X#define CMPcadr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_car
X#define CMPcdar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcddr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcaaar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_car
X#define CMPcaadr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_car
X#define CMPcadar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_car
X#define CMPcaddr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_car
X#define CMPcdaar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcdadr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcddar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcdddr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcaaaar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_car
X#define CMPcaaadr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_car
X#define CMPcaadar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_car
X#define CMPcaaddr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_car
X#define CMPcadaar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_car
X#define CMPcadadr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_car
X#define CMPcaddar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_car
X#define CMPcadddr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_car
X#define CMPcdaaar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcdaadr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcdadar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcdaddr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcddaar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcddadr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcdddar(x) (x)->c.c_car->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPcddddr(x) (x)->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr->c.c_cdr
X#define CMPfuncall funcall
X#define cclosure_call funcall
Xobject simple_lispcall();
Xobject simple_lispcall_no_event();
Xobject simple_symlispcall();
Xobject simple_symlispcall_no_event();
Xextern object CMPtemp;
Xextern object CMPtemp1;
Xextern object CMPtemp2;
Xextern object CMPtemp3;
X#define Cnil ((object)&Cnil_body)
X#define Ct ((object)&Ct_body)
Xextern struct symbol Cnil_body, Ct_body;
Xobject MF();
Xobject MM();
Xextern object Scons;
Xextern object siSfunction_documentation;
Xextern object siSvariable_documentation;
Xextern object siSpretty_print_format;
Xextern object Slist;
Xextern object keyword_package;
Xobject alloc_object();
Xobject car();
Xobject cdr();
Xobject list();
Xobject listA();
Xobject coerce_to_string();
Xobject elt();
Xobject elt_set();
Xframe_ptr frs_sch();
Xframe_ptr frs_sch_catch();
Xobject make_cclosure();
Xobject nth();
Xobject nthcdr();
Xobject make_cons();
Xobject append();
Xobject nconc();
Xobject reverse();
Xobject nreverse();
Xobject number_expt();
Xobject number_minus();
Xobject number_negate();
Xobject number_plus();
Xobject number_times();
Xobject one_minus();
Xobject one_plus();
Xobject get();
Xobject getf();
Xobject putprop();
Xobject remprop();
Xobject string_to_object();
Xobject symbol_function();
Xobject symbol_value();
Xobject make_fixnum();
Xobject make_shortfloat();
Xobject make_longfloat();
Xobject structure_ref();
Xobject structure_set();
Xobject princ();
Xobject prin1();
Xobject print();
Xobject terpri();
Xobject aref();
Xobject aset();
Xobject aref1();
Xobject aset1();
Xchar object_to_char();
Xint object_to_int();
Xfloat object_to_float();
Xdouble object_to_double();
Xextern int FIXtemp;
X#define CMPmake_fixnum(x) \
X#define Creturn(v) return((vs_top=vs,(v)))
X#define Cexit return((vs_top=vs,0))
Xdouble sin(), cos(), tan();
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/cmpinclude.h || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/cmpinclude.h fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/dpp.c.diff &&
X*** dpp.c.orig Sat Oct 8 21:39:44 1988
X--- dpp.c Sat Oct 8 21:35:11 1988
X*** 571,577
X reset();
X! fprintf(out, "\n#line %d %s\n", line, filename);
X while ((c = readc()) != '@')
X putc(c, out);
X if (readc() != '(')
X--- 571,577 -----
X reset();
X! fprintf(out, "\n#line %d \"%s\"\n", line, filename);
X while ((c = readc()) != '@')
X putc(c, out);
X if (readc() != '(')
X*** 581,587
X get_function();
X get_lambda_list();
X put_fhead();
X! fprintf(out, "\n#line %d %s\n", line, filename);
X while ((c = readc()) != '@')
X putc(c, out);
X put_declaration();
X--- 581,587 -----
X get_function();
X get_lambda_list();
X put_fhead();
X! fprintf(out, "\n#line %d \"%s\"\n", line, filename);
X while ((c = readc()) != '@')
X putc(c, out);
X put_declaration();
X*** 587,593
X put_declaration();
X! fprintf(out, "\n#line %d %s\n", line, filename);
X while ((c = readc()) != '@')
X putc(c, out);
X if ((c = readc()) == ')') {
X--- 587,593 -----
X put_declaration();
X! fprintf(out, "\n#line %d \"%s\"\n", line, filename);
X while ((c = readc()) != '@')
X putc(c, out);
X if ((c = readc()) == ')') {
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/dpp.c.diff || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/dpp.c.diff fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.c.dif &&
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.c.dif || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.c.dif fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.diff &&
X*** earith.c.orig Sat Oct 8 18:44:36 1988
X--- earith.c Sat Oct 8 18:49:46 1988
X*** 463,465
X }
X #endif
X--- 463,525 -----
X }
X #endif
X+ #ifdef SGS68K
X+ extended_mul(d, q, r, hp, lp)
X+ int d, q, r;
X+ int *hp, *lp;
X+ {
X+ asm(" mov.l %d2,-(%a7)");
X+ asm(" mov.w 8(%a6),%d0");
X+ asm(" mulu.w 14(%a6),%d0");
X+ asm(" mov.w 10(%a6),%d1");
X+ asm(" mulu.w 12(%a6),%d1");
X+ asm(" add.l %d1,%d0");
X+ asm(" mov.w 8(%a6),%d1");
X+ asm(" mulu.w 12(%a6),%d1");
X+ asm(" mov.w 10(%a6),%d2");
X+ asm(" mulu.w 14(%a6),%d2");
X+ asm(" swap.w %d2");
X+ asm(" add.w %d0,%d2");
X+ asm(" swap.w %d2");
X+ asm(" swap.w %d0");
X+ asm(" addx.w %d0,%d1");
X+ asm(" clr.l %d0");
X+ asm(" swap.w %d1");
X+ asm(" addx.w %d0,%d1");
X+ asm(" swap.w %d1");
X+ asm(" add.l 16(%a6),%d2");
X+ asm(" addx.l %d0,%d1");
X+ asm(" lsl.l &1,%d2");
X+ asm(" roxl.l &1,%d1");
X+ asm(" lsr.l &1,%d2");
X+ asm(" mov.l 20(%a6),%a0");
X+ asm(" mov.l %d1,(%a0)");
X+ asm(" mov.l 24(%a6),%a0");
X+ asm(" mov.l %d2,(%a0)");
X+ asm(" mov.l (%a7)+,%d2");
X+ }
X+ extended_div(d, h, l, qp, rp)
X+ int d, h, l;
X+ int *qp, *rp;
X+ {
X+ asm(" movm.l &0x3000,-(%a7)");
X+ asm(" movm.l 8(%a6),&0x307");
X+ asm(" lsl.l &1,%d2");
X+ asm(" addq.l &1,%d2");
X+ asm(" mov.w &31,%d3");
X+ asm("label2: sub.l %d0,%d1");
X+ asm(" bcs label1");
X+ asm(" add.l %d0,%d1");
X+ asm("label1: roxl.l &1,%d2");
X+ asm(" roxl.l &1,%d1");
X+ asm(" dbf %d3,label2");
X+ asm(" roxr.l &1,%d1");
X+ asm(" not.l %d2");
X+ asm(" mov.l %d2,(%a0)");
X+ asm(" mov.l %d1,(%a1)");
X+ asm(" movm.l (%a7)+,&0xc");
X+ }
X+ #endif
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.diff || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/earith.c.diff fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/include.h.diff &&
X*** include.h.orig Sat Oct 8 18:18:32 1988
X--- include.h Sat Oct 8 18:25:32 1988
X*** 75,80
X #define ATT
X #endif
X #ifdef S3000
X #define AV
X #define UNIX
X--- 75,88 -----
X #define ATT
X #endif
X+ #ifdef ATT3b1
X+ #define AV
X+ #define IEEEFLOAT
X+ #define UNIX
X+ #define ATT
X+ #define SGS68K
X+ #endif
X #ifdef S3000
X #define AV
X #define UNIX
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/include.h.diff || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/include.h.diff fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/main.c.diff &&
X*** main.c.orig Sat Oct 8 18:53:12 1988
X--- main.c Sat Oct 8 18:56:25 1988
X*** 863,868
X make_cons(make_ordinary("KCL"), Cnil)))))));
X #endif
X #ifdef S3000
X make_special("*FEATURES*",
X make_cons(make_ordinary("S3300"),
X--- 863,879 -----
X make_cons(make_ordinary("KCL"), Cnil)))))));
X #endif
X+ #ifdef ATT3b1
X+ make_special("*FEATURES*",
X+ make_cons(make_ordinary("ATT3b1"),
X+ make_cons(make_ordinary("IEEE-FLOATING-POINT"),
X+ make_cons(make_ordinary("UNIX"),
X+ make_cons(make_ordinary("SYSTEM-V"),
X+ make_cons(make_ordinary("COMMON"),
X+ make_cons(make_ordinary("SGS68K"),
X+ make_cons(make_ordinary("KCL"), Cnil))))))));
X+ #endif
X #ifdef S3000
X make_special("*FEATURES*",
X make_cons(make_ordinary("S3300"),
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/main.c.diff || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/main.c.diff fails"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 3b1port/diffs/unixsave.c.dif &&
X*** unixsave.c.orig Sun Oct 9 12:53:25 1988
X--- unixsave.c Sun Oct 9 13:01:37 1988
X*** 11,17
X #include "include.h"
X /* When MACHINE is S3000, use fcntl.h */
X! #ifdef S3000
X #include <fcntl.h>
X #else
X #include <sys/file.h>
X--- 11,17 -----
X #include "include.h"
X /* When MACHINE is S3000, use fcntl.h */
X! #if defined(S3000) || defined(ATT3b1)
X #include <fcntl.h>
X #else
X #include <sys/file.h>
X*** 340,345
X init_unixsave()
X {
X make_function("SAVE", Lsave);
X }
X--- 340,346 -----
X init_unixsave()
X {
X+ #ifndef ATT3b1
X make_function("SAVE", Lsave);
X #endif
X }
X*** 341,346
X init_unixsave()
X {
X make_function("SAVE", Lsave);
X }
X #ifdef ISI
X--- 342,348 -----
X {
X #ifndef ATT3b1
X make_function("SAVE", Lsave);
X+ #endif
X }
X #ifdef ISI
chmod 0644 3b1port/diffs/unixsave.c.dif || echo "restore of 3b1port/diffs/unixsave.c.dif fails"
exit 0
Systems Programmer
nerwin!alex at umbc3.umd.edu UMBC
alex at umbc3.umd.edu
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