Info-3b2 Digest, Number 31
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info-3b2 at lamc
Wed Oct 26 03:26:53 AEST 1988
Info-3b2 Digest, Number 31
Tuesday, October 25th 1988
Today's Topics:
Re: NFS for AT&T 3bx's
3B News Distribution
NFS on 3B2s
Subject: Re: NFS for AT&T 3bx's
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 88 15:49:33 EDT
From: lll-tis!daitc!otishq!guardian (Harry Skelton)
= If memory serves, Lachman did an SystemV NFS port about 2 years ago,
= which they did have for sale. I don't know if they sold it to AT&T
= or not.
= Denny
I know that Unix 4.0 will be NFS based. Lachman has done all of the NFS
porting for the AT&T machines and Suns. I think that AT&T/Sun has the
rights and I think that Lachman has the rights to the TCP/IP-Streams products.
You may wish to send a message to laidbak!nfs or laidbak!jobs and ask to have
the question to be forwarded to the right team.
(Hi Joe/Derek! - ol' LAI boys)
______ guardian at otishq _ _ (Via: daitc obdient ddsw1 killer novavax )
/ ____/ __ _ ___ ___ _| ||_| ___ _ __ Harry "Highspeed" Skelton
| |__ || | |/ . || .-'/ . || |/ . || '_ \ AAA National Head Quarters
\_____/ |____|\__|||_| \___||_|\__|||_| |_| Falls Church, Virginia USA
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 88 06:35:54 edt
From: len at netsys.COM (Len Rose)
Subject: 3B News Distribution
I have taken the liberty of finally creating the 3B news
distribution. I am going to act as the main contact for
this distribution along with Ken at lamc I guess.
I have asked Joe Carlson at lll-winken and Charley at
killer to pass it on to as many sites as request it.
I will also approach Peter Yee at ames to see what he
thinks about it. That should take care of connectivity,
and from what I hear, uunet will pass any group onward.
If you need a feed for this newsgroup, contact:
len at
kdavis at lamc
root at killer
I will be glad to feed as many sites that require this,
and will call your sites directly.
Len Rose - Netsys,Inc.
len at or len at
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 88 21:44:09 CDT
Subject: NFS on 3B2s
From: lll-tis!ames!rutgers!!bradley!john (John Lengeling)
I talked to a representitive from Lachman at INTEROP
just a couple of weeks ago. He indicated that AT&T will be
coming out with Lachman's NFS for 3B2s in early 1989.
I can is about time...
John Lengeling
Distributed Systems
Bradley University
{uiucdcs, att, cepu}!bradley!john
To join this group or have your thoughts in the next issue, please
send electronic mail to Ken Davis at the following address;
The views expressed in Info-3b2 Digest are those of the
individual authors only.
End of Info-3b2 Digest
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