Hey people with a 2400bd modem
Future Unix Gurus
upl at puff.cs.wisc.edu
Thu Sep 28 10:38:48 AEST 1989
Hello there.
I have been given access to a 2400bd modem recently. I'd like to connect
it to my Unix pc, but I'm having problems. I've done what the owner's manual
says to do to configure the RS232 port, but I can't seem to get the modem to
dial. It's an autodial, hayes compatible modem. What am I doing wrong?
I would appreciate it if one of you out there could tell me what you did to
configure your modem. I'm sure that SOMEONE out there is using something
other than the OBM. Whoever you are, I'd like to here from you about what
you did to get your modem to work. Are you using some other communications
program besides "cu" from UUCP? Are you using "cu"? Did you have to create
some other modemcap entry for your modem?
I'd really like to know. I've tried posting this before, but I got no
responses. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you did. It seems a shame to
let a modem like this sit.
- sparkie
p.s. Please respond to the addresses listed below and not the one listed
above. Thanks!
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ARPA: madnix!harier!sparkie at cs.wisc.edu
UUCP: ...uunet!mimsy!rutgers!puff!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!harier!sparkie
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