Modems 'n stuff
David C. Albrecht
dca at toylnd.UUCP
Thu Sep 28 15:06:35 AEST 1989
# I've seen several things go by which no one seems to have lept to answer.
# 1) The 20M miniscribe is a slow drive I don't know the exact specs but it
# is at least a 60ms drive, could be 80ms. The larger miniscribes are
# versions of the same drive and are all 28ms access.
# 2) Getting 2400 modems to work. Someone posted the following acucap entry
# and it has worked like a champ for me. Unfortunately, I don't remember
# who it was.
# You also have to be sure to go through the whole RS232 setup rigamarole.
# Three files are affected /etc/.rs232, /etc/inittab, and
# /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices.
# As I use my serial port both to connect to another unix-pc and at night I poll
# for news I cobbled up a couple of scripts which can be run from root to flip
# the serial port from modem to computer and vice versa. A 25 pin switch box
# does the rest. The scripts are adapted from in /usr/bin.
# I also use getty replacement called uutty because then I can set both unix-pc's
# in HOST and CALLER mode and the login, password process on the two machines won't
# go bonkers babbling at each other. I did have to work on uutty some because
# otherwise it had an annoying tendency to trap SIGINT and dump you off the
# machine. Unfortunately, due to a mishap I'm not sure if I have all the changes
# I made to get the binary I'm currently using.
# The scripts are small, uutty, however, is fairly big.
# David Albrecht
# uunet!virginia!toylnd!dca
# uunet!virginia!kesmai!dca
echo 'Start of mstuff, part 01 of 01:'
echo 'x - rs2400'
sed 's/^X//' > rs2400 << '/'
X# Hayes 2400X
X# Name=rs2400
X :ph=ATDT:eh=\r:d1#15\
X :c1=OK\r:c2=NO DIALTONE\r:c3=BUSY\r:\
X :c4=NO CARRIER\r:c5=ERROR\r:\
X :sa=Q0V1M0X4S7=25:\
X :pl=sawpwpc1b1phd1wpwpc5a4c2a1c3a2c4a3:
echo 'Part 01 of mstuff complete.'
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