Looking for tools.
John R. MacMillan
john at chance.UUCP
Sat Sep 9 10:31:46 AEST 1989
In article <583 at mcdclv.UUCP> stevea at mcdclv.UUCP (Steve Alexander) writes:
| The mailx source in Release 3 has lots and lots of AT&T copyright
|notices in it. It may look and feel somewhat like Berkeley mail, but I
|doubt that it is based on Berkeley source. I would also be very
|careful about copying *ANYTHING* from an AT&T distribution.
Having looked at the source for both, mailx is almost certainly derived
from Mail, but given the copyright notices, I wouldn't touch the mailx
source regardless.
John R. MacMillan "Don't you miss it...don't you miss it...
john at chance.UUCP Some of you people just about missed it."
...!utcsri!hcr!chance!john -- Talking Heads
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