General Unix-pc Stuff
Mark Horn
horn at
Tue Sep 12 06:36:57 AEST 1989
In article <3031 at cbnewsc.ATT.COM> cmv at cbnewsc.ATT.COM (C M Votava) writes:
>ITEM #5
>The publicly available AT&T description of the 882A modem chip (the one we
>have in the unixpc) states that it can be run at 2400 baud in some kind
>of "external mode" where there is an external high speed DSP attached to it.
What's that? I'd love 2400 baud, if it means that I don't have
buy a new one!
>I don't have all of the details in front of me now, but I'm hoping that
>someone on the net will be familiar with this and let us know how to do it.
>Otherwize I'll have to dig up the information myself. Can anybody help?
>-Craig Votava
- sparkie
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