UNIX PC BOF Minutes, and Fixdisk 2.0
Lenny Tropiano
lenny at icus.islp.ny.us
Thu Feb 15 15:40:21 AEST 1990
In article <15523 at cs.yale.edu> yarvin-norman at CS.YALE.EDU (norman yarvin) writes:
|>In article <1089 at icus.islp.ny.us> lenny at icus.islp.ny.us (Lenny Tropiano)
|>> Discussions about porting X-windows to the UNIX-pc can be
|>> summarized in one sentence, "X windows can be ported to the
|>> UNIX-pc, but we need someone to write it." Nobody at the BOF
|>> volunteered to port X, but the MGR demonstration did spark
|>> some additional enthusiasm about doing it.
|>On a Sun, the X11R3 server takes 500K for the code segment and over a
|>megabyte total. On the Unix PC, less storage would be required for window
|>data (because of the smaller screen), but the server alone would still take
|>up a substantial percentage of the memory. The X clients together generally
|>take more memory than the server.
I probably not the correct person to comment on this, but doesn't X11 have
quite a bit of networking code in it to handle X windows over a network
medium. Since the UNIX pc doesn't have any "great" network, other than
STARLAN, wouldn't it be wise to remove this from the X server? Could this
be done to keep the X applications and server down in size? I still don't
know if this will make it feasible for the UNIX pc.
| Lenny Tropiano ICUS Software Systems lenny at icus.islp.ny.us |
| {ames,pacbell,decuac,hombre,sbcs,attctc}!icus!lenny attmail!icus!lenny |
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