UNIX PC BOF Minutes, and Fixdisk 2.0
Alex S. Crain
alex at umbc3.UMBC.EDU
Fri Feb 16 04:36:46 AEST 1990
In article <1093 at icus.islp.ny.us> lenny at icus.islp.ny.us (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
>I probably not the correct person to comment on this, but doesn't X11 have
>quite a bit of networking code in it to handle X windows over a network
>medium. Since the UNIX pc doesn't have any "great" network, other than
>STARLAN, wouldn't it be wise to remove this from the X server?
There isn't alot of networking code in the X server. X relies
on a generic packet based protocol which would still have te be
supported regardless of the transport mechinism.
The X port shouldn't be difficult, especially as R4 claims to
have dramatically reduced the amount of heap memory required by the
server, but I still don't see it as a realistic option for this
machine because of its size. Its incredably flexable, but the unix-pc
just ain't big enough to run it. Even if the server runs ok, the
really cool clients would be too big, so all you would get is X, uwm,
xclock and xterm (maybe xlogo :-)).
I've seen mgr. It's really cool, its small, it FAST, and it's
based on pty's so theres no special libraries, etc. One could
presumably port the I/O manager that the mgr guy was talking about at
USENIX. It appears to offer everything that one could reasonable
expect from X and its available now. I'm certainly going to put it up
as soon as I get around to it.
################################# :alex.
#Disclamer: Anyone who agrees # University of Maryland Baltimore County
#with me deserves what they get.# alex at umbc3.umbc.edu
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