VP/ix Question

Dave Levenson dave at westmark.UU.NET
Thu Feb 1 16:20:13 AEST 1990

I'm trying to run MS-DOS 3.2 under VP/ix under SysV/386 r3.2.
Most MS-DOS commands and applications work as I would expect.

Pipes don't work.  If I try such MS-DOS commands as:




The process hangs until I re-initialize the MS-DOS process.
The problem appears to be that the COMSPEC environment variable is
set to C:\COMMAND.COM.  I think this causes COMMAND.COM to build its
termporary files (simulating pipes) in the C: device.  This device
is not writeable (unless I log in as root) and so it hangs.

Does anybody know a work-around other than duplicating the simulated
C: drive for every user?

Dave Levenson			Voice: (201 | 908) 647 0900
Westmark, Inc.			Internet: dave at westmark.uu.net
Warren, NJ, USA			UUCP: {uunet | rutgers | att}!westmark!dave
[The Man in the Mooney]		AT&T Mail: !westmark!dave

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