Gratuitous console msgs
Steve DeJarnett
steve at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
Sun Aug 28 18:03:37 AEST 1988
In article <20 at> jpd at usl-pc.UUCP (DugalJP) writes:
>A previous poster complained about unnecessary msgs sent to the console.
>How does this rate in the unnecessary msgs category:
> In OSx4.1 with QUOTAS installed, every time user exceeds his
> quota, the msg "rwip: bn < 0, error 69"
> appears on the console!
>This was reported to RTOC; I've received no written answer yet.
We also see these messages (and in a University environment, you
see people over quota quite often {especially when you have over 800 accounts
with only 600 Meg of disk space for them}). I've talked to several people
at RTOC, and all say that this is NOT considered a bug. Another annoying
"feature", introduced in OSx4.4 is the fact that when there are bad login
messages, they only report which tty the bad login occured on, and not
what/who it was.
I think (based on my experience) that if something doesn't crash
your machine, they will try to fix it in the next MAJOR release (or when all
of the programmers suddenly run out of things to do :-).
If enough people complain, they'll try to do something about whatever
your problem is. So, RTOC, are you listening???
| Steve DeJarnett | Smart Mailers -> steve at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU |
| Computer Systems Lab | Dumb Mailers -> ..!ucbvax!voder!polyslo!steve |
| Cal Poly State Univ. |------------------------------------------------|
| San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 | BITNET = Because Idiots Type NETwork |
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