Solution to Problems with UUCP/modems.

Paul Traina pst at comdesign.CDI.COM
Thu Sep 8 02:37:59 AEST 1988

>From article <692 at starfish.Convergent.COM>, by cdold at starfish.Convergent.COM (Clarence Dold):
| The uucp package on Convergent SysV (CTIX 5.x) includes a 'uugetty', that I 
| didn't think was Convergent exclusive.  It does everything that acucntrl
| appears to do, for cu and uucico.  C-Kermit doesn't agree with it, though.
| It works rather simply, by looking for lock files, the contents of which
| are the owning process id.  If that process id is not active, the lock is
| removed.  ct, cu, uucico, and uugetty all are suid uucp, and cooperate in 
| this scheme.

I just upgraded one of our SsyV systems to Honey-DANBER uucp, and it turns
out all you need to do to make C-Kermit work properly with uugetty/uucico/etc.
is to recompile ckutio.c with -DATT3BX.  This makes locks go in /usr/spool/locks
and inserts the pid of the kermit process into the lock file.

This switch should be renamed to something like -DHDBUUCP or somesuch.

					Happy Hacking,
						the PST
Paul Traina				To believe that what is true for
{uunet|pyramid}!comdesign!pst		you in your private heart is true
pst at			for all men, that is genius.

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