Solution to Problems with UUCP/modems.

Daniel A. Graifer dag at fciva.FRANKLIN.COM
Thu Sep 8 23:54:41 AEST 1988

My new Prime EXL316 also came with a uugetty that is supposed to handle 
this correctly.  The technique appears to be a combination of lock
files, and serial drivers that have two entry points to each device (as
apparently exists in Sun systems: ie.  normally, you can't write to a
serial device that doesn't assert DCD.  By adding 128 to the minor 
number of the device, you can mknod a new special file that ignores 
Carrier.  Since uugetty doesn't attempt to login until it sees chars,
uucico can grab the other device and lock uugetty out.  

I'm not clear on this for one reason:  The EXL doesn't support pin 8 in 
their rs232 connection, and their official cable ties pin 8 to pin 6.  I
think this is why I haven't gotten it to work properly with my TB modem
yet.  Anybody else out there have a Prime unix box that they've gotten
bi-directional modem lines to work on?

	Thanks in advance

Daniel A. Graifer			Franklin Capital Investments
uunet!fciva!dag				7900 Westpark Drive, Suite A130
(703)821-3244				McLean, VA  22102
Daniel A. Graifer			Franklin Capital Investments
uunet!fciva!dag				7900 Westpark Drive, Suite A130
(703)821-3244				McLean, VA  22102

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