For Sale: Pyramid 90X

leon howorth leonh at hhb.UUCP
Tue Jul 17 04:16:23 AEST 1990

For Sale: Pyramid 90X minicomputer system

32-bit minicomputer (1985 vintage) 

Was running the OSx operating system (derived from UNIX).

System includes: Multibus Adapter (IOC), data cache unit, 8 MB memory, 

Disk Controller, Tape Controller, Line Printer interface, 

Fujitsu Eagle 415 MB disk drive, Cipher 9 Track (1600 bpi) tape drive, 

Ethernet Controller, Wyse-100 console, 64 serial ports.

Would like to get around $2000 for it. Make me an offer!!

Leon A. Howorth			|  UUCP:  ....princeton!hhb!leonh
Computer Operations Manager	|  ARPA:  leonh%hhb at
Racal-Redac	 		| VOICE:  201-848-8000 ext. 243
Mahwah, New Jersey 07430	|   FAX:  201-848-8189

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