How do you turn lastcomm on?

Ken McDonell kenj at
Tue Jul 17 12:37:13 AEST 1990

KSpagnol at (Ken Spagnolo) writes:

>(sorry if I've missed something obvious here...)
>I did a lastcomm and found that the most recent entry was
>last week.  Since we haven't been running accounting, I
>turned it on, with "accton filename", as the superuser.
>Filename is growing, but lastcomm reports nothing new.
>(I was told to start accton in the att universe, but
>have tried both with no luck).  The man page says little
>about where lastcomm gets its info.  Anyone know what
>I'm doing wrong?  Thanx.

lastcomm has the pathname /usr/adm/pacct hard wired into it :-)

[ actually is searches /usr/adm/pacct, then /usr/adm/pacct? where
  ? starts at the maximum value for which a file can be found and
  then counts down to 1 ]

You'll have to start accounting with the default file name, else
make /usr/adm/pacct a symbolic link to the place where you are
accumulating the process accounting data (unfortunately, the latter
approach will tend to break the 4am process accounting cleanup scripts).
Ken McDonell			  E-mail:     kenj at kenj at
Performance Analysis Group	  Phone:      +61 3 820 0711
Pyramid Technology Corporation	  Disclaimer: I speak for me alone, of course.

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