f77 bug
Finn Drablos
finnd%vax.runit.unit.uninett at NAC.NO
Fri Aug 11 23:47:00 AEST 1989
I am using a 4D/70GT with IRIX 3.1D. When I try to compile the following
short fortran program with f77
program test
integer i,time
write(*,*) i
all I get is "bad number of arguments to intrinsic time". But according
to the documentation there should be no arguments to time .... Is there
a bug in f77, or am I doing something stupid ? If there is a bug, is
there an easy way around this problem ?
Finn Drablos PHONE +47 7 597710 FAX +47 7 597708
MR-Senteret, SINTEF MHS(EAN) : finnd at vax.runit.unit.uninett
N-7034 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY EARN/BITNET : drabloes at norunit
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