f77 bug
Calvin H. Vu
calvin at dinkum.wpd.sgi.com
Tue Aug 15 02:59:32 AEST 1989
In article <52*finnd at vax.runit.unit.uninett>, finnd%vax.runit.unit.uninett at NAC.NO (Finn Drablos) writes:
> I am using a 4D/70GT with IRIX 3.1D. When I try to compile the following
> short fortran program with f77
> program test
> integer i,time
> i=time()
> write(*,*) i
> stop
> end
> all I get is "bad number of arguments to intrinsic time". But according
> to the documentation there should be no arguments to time .... Is there
> a bug in f77, or am I doing something stupid ? If there is a bug, is
> there an easy way around this problem ?
MIPS introduced an intrinsic version of time() in their 1.31 release
for VMS compatibility. To use the older library version of time()
you need to add 'EXTERNAL TIME' in the program unit that uses it.
This is documented in the 3.1 release notes although our man pages
could not keep up with these changes. I'll make a note to make sure
that the man page for time() will reflect both versions. Thanks
for reminding us.
> ==================
> Finn Drablos PHONE +47 7 597710 FAX +47 7 597708
> MR-Senteret, SINTEF MHS(EAN) : finnd at vax.runit.unit.uninett
> N-7034 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY EARN/BITNET : drabloes at norunit
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Calvin Vu
Silicon Graphics,
calvin at sgi.sgi.com
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