QuickModel and QuickPaint, manual upgrades

Chuck Musciano chuck at melmac.harris-atd.com
Fri Dec 22 00:02:56 AEST 1989

     I just received my 3.2 upgrade package, and a few questions immediately
reared their ugly heads:

     *	The "How to build your manuals" card shows that I should have received
        an update to volumes 1 and 2 of the Programmer's Guide.  I didn't get
        one.  Do I need this, or is this for some other, pre-3.1, upgrade?

     *	I was a little disappointed to discover that since I own a 4D/50GT,
     	I don't get Quick Model and QuickPaint, but that 4D/20 and 4D/25
     	owners do.  Is there some penalty for buying the more expensive
     	machines?  It says I can order these as an option.  How much will
     	this cost?  How long to get the tools?  Why weren't they just included
     	to begin with?  How come I spent $70,000 and get less than a guy who
     	spends $15,000?

I'm doing my installation today, without (gasp!) reformatting the disks.  I'll
let you know if any problems occur.

Chuck Musciano				ARPA  : chuck at trantor.harris-atd.com
Harris Corporation 			Usenet: ...!uunet!x102a!trantor!chuck
PO Box 37, MS 3A/1912			AT&T  : (407) 727-6131
Melbourne, FL 32902			FAX   : (407) 727-{5118,5227,4004}

Gee, Beaver, everything that's fun can get you in trouble.  Haven't you
learned that yet? --Gilbert

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