Can you use thin wire ethernet to 4D-series machines?

Shawn Allin - Alcan KRDC Computer Services ACCESS at ALCANKTN.BITNET
Fri Dec 22 00:45:00 AEST 1989

     Hello all (again),

     We have a couple of Personal Irises and one 4D-120 GTX at the moment.
     All of them are hooked into ethernet by thick wire transceiver cables into
     DEC Delni boxes.  Is there any way instead to use thin wire ethernet, say
     with a DESTA?  One of our labs tried this with an Iris 3130 a couple of
     years ago without success.  Any comments would be appreciated.


     Shawn Allin
     Alcan International Ltd.,
     P.O. Box 8400,
     Kingston, Ont.,
     Canada  K7L 5L9
     (613) 541-2178

     Bitnet: ACCESS at ALCANKTN
     Soon to be: ACCESS at KRDC.INT.Alcan.CA

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