Telnetd problem in 3.2?

Jim Barton jmb at
Fri Dec 1 04:25:31 AEST 1989

In article <84600002 at>, kenyon at writes:
> 	Is there a problem with telnetd on 3.2?  


> 	I have ksh88 running on my 
> 4D/120GTX under 3.2.  When I login at the console all works as expected.
> When I login from a terminal (vt100) through ethernet I get logged out 
> when I enter a ^C ( intr = ^C).  If I change the intr to anything else,
> eg. ^P, when I enter that command (^P) I get logged off the system.
> This problem started when I changed to 3.2. If I use the same version
> of ksh88 on a 3.1g system (4D/20) this problem is gone.
> Therefore to see if it was the telnetd from 3.2 I copied the telnetd from
> the 3.1g system to the 3.2 system and the problem is gone.  If I copy the
> 3.2 telnetd to the 3.1g system now that system has the same problem I
> had with the 3.2 system.
> Any Ideas?
> Bob Kenyon

There were some fixes to terminal handling and such in 3.2.  I'm using
ksh88 right now, and log in to 3.2 systems all the time via rlogin and
telnet (from terminal servers).  I vaguely remember having a similar problem
when first porting ksh88, so I think it's the port, not telnet.

Check are that you use RAWONLY mode, I believe this may have something to
do with it.  Perusing the local port, the only sgi specific changes I made
were 1) fixed the infinite loop bug in history.c when opening a history
file, and 2) added some define's to jobs.c to make job control work.
Other than that, raw mode seems to be the interesting one.

-- Jim Barton
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems    "UNIX: Live Free Or Die!"
jmb at, sgi!jmb at, ...{decwrl,sun}!sgi!jmb

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