Telnetd problem in 3.2?

Mike York zombie at voodoo.UUCP
Wed Dec 6 03:49:07 AEST 1989

In article <619 at voodoo.UUCP> zombie at voodoo.UUCP (Mike York (that's me)) writes:
>Tell me more about 3.2.1.  There are two bugs that we've encountered in
>3.2 that we're trying to deal with now:

I go on to tell about the dial & button not working, and a suscpected
problem with malloc.  Well, the dial & button box still doesn't work,
but malloc is no longer suspect.  I have found the bug and it is us.  We
were inadvertently referencing an object that had been freed.  This
never bit us in previous releases, but our past sins have come back to
haunt us in 3.2.  Now, if that D&B box would just work we'd be all

    Mike York                         |  "But first, I have to satisfy
    Boeing Computer Services          |   my sense of moral outrage"
    (206) 234-7724                    |
    uw-beaver!ssc-vax!voodoo!zombie   |                  -Roger Rabbit

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