Magic Sparkles Everywhere

Pat Martin martin at
Mon Aug 6 06:21:46 AEST 1990

I have scanned through most of the (what I thought to be) the appropriate
manuals to find a satisfactory answer to my question; I havent found the
answer yet, so here goes...

We have had our IRIS 4D for less than six months.  Starting about 2 weeks ago,
small white dots began appearing on the screen, especially whenever we activate
a graphics package (QUANTA, FELIX...).  Rebooting the system seems to "reset"
the dots, but they reappear like clockwork.

My question is (before I go running to the SGI hot-line) : is this something
easily remedied by software, or does this sound like a hardware problem? 


..pkm (Patrick Martin)

martin at

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