Magic Sparkles Everywhere

Dave Ciemiewicz ciemo at
Mon Aug 6 08:02:02 AEST 1990

In article <3752 at>, martin at (Pat
Martin) writes:
> We have had our IRIS 4D for less than six months.  Starting about 2
weeks ago,
> small white dots began appearing on the screen, especially whenever we
> a graphics package (QUANTA, FELIX...).  Rebooting the system seems to "reset"
> the dots, but they reappear like clockwork.

Maybe one of the graphics packages you are running is mucking with the color
map.  One of my coworkers was complaining to me that an ipasted image of
herself had white spots in the hair.  I popped up up showmap to watch the
color map and then did a makemap to restore the default color map.  Viola', the
white specks disappeared.  The changes in showmap showed my which color map
entries changed.

Next time the white dots appear, try running makemap.  Either it will
convince you that the problem is due to colormap contention or it will
convince you that the problem lies elsewhere.

						--- Ciemo

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