News_ser prio (was: Re: Problem with Nice)

doelz at doelz at
Wed Aug 22 18:19:57 AEST 1990

In article <9008211446.AA13953 at>, steve at CHAOS.OCEAN.FSU.EDU (Steve Van Gorder) writes:
> Another thing that seems to help somewhat is to use npri to set the nice value
> of the news_ser all the way to 0. This seems to keep the window manager from
> being paged out quite so easily and works a little better than assigning it 
> a non-degrading priority, I suppose since the highest available non-
> degrading priority is 30 whereas as news_ser normaly has a priority of 26.

The file /usr/include/sys/schedctl.h defines the ranges as follows: 
/* possible non-degrading priorities */

/* these priorities are higher than ALL normal user process priorities */
#define NDPHIMAX        30
#define NDPHIMIN        39

/* these priorities overlap normal user process priorities */
#define NDPNORMMAX      40
#define NDPNORMMIN      127

/* these priorities are below ALL normal user process priorities */
#define NDPLOMAX        128
#define NDPLOMIN        254

Back in 3.1 (or even 3.0 ? ), I remember that 
news_ser was set to non-ageing 64 (or a similar value), 
and there have been reasons to change that. If your 
machine is heavily loaded, you could play with the npri in order 
to speed up news_ser. 

Good luck, 

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