TEK 4693DX and SGI 4D/20

Jack P. Weldon jweldon at sgi.com
Thu Aug 23 04:53:45 AEST 1990

In article <9008221154.AA00234 at rainbow.mitre.org> marc at RAINBOW.MITRE.ORG (Marc Friedman) writes:
>> I just installed the Tektronix 4693DX color printer on a SGI 4D/20 and have
>> run into a roadblock.  The TEK tests out okay, and I used the LPTOOL to 
>> install the 4693DX printer driver (filter?).  I was under the assumption that
>> *.rgb files could be sent to the printer directly i.e. lp -d<printer> 
>> <file.rgb>
>> The filter is calculating some sort of magic number to determine if the file
>> is an image file or not.  If it thinks it is it logs an error message about
>> the magic number and aborts the print.
>> QUESTION: 1) Is there anything else I need to do as far as setting things up?
>>           2) What's the best way to get an RGB image sent to this printer?

A couple of things to check: Make sure that when you setup the local 4693DX,
you have chosen the 4693D driver (somewhat obvious). You also need to check
the bit switches inside of the 4693DX--we have found that *for the PI only*
switch 9 must be on (the default is off for all 18 switches in the row). 
Also, to make sure that the rgb image is good, verify that you can ipaste 
it to the screen. This is the first time I've heard of magic-number errors
when printing to a Tek. 

If these suggestions don't solve the problem, give your friendly neighborhood
Geometry Hotline a call. 

>	I've been printing over the ethernet onto a Tektronix 4693DX and getting
>nice results.  First I run:
>		/usr/lib/print/k93print file.rgb > tmpfile
>Then I merely catenate tmpfile into the device associated with the printer. 
>For example, if the printer is hooked into serial port 4:
>		cat tmpfile > /dev/ttyd4

No need to do this 2-step process if both machines are SGIs. Just use the
System Manager to setup a remote printer to the machine that has the 4693.
Then you can just use lp as if you were local. Why make things difficult?

Jack P. Weldon
(jweldon at csd.sgi.com)

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