TEK 4693DX and SGI 4D/20

Marc Friedman marc at RAINBOW.MITRE.ORG
Wed Aug 22 21:54:08 AEST 1990

> I just installed the Tektronix 4693DX color printer on a SGI 4D/20 and have
> run into a roadblock.  The TEK tests out okay, and I used the LPTOOL to 
> install the 4693DX printer driver (filter?).  I was under the assumption that
> *.rgb files could be sent to the printer directly i.e. lp -d<printer> <file.rgb>
> The filter is calculating some sort of magic number to determine if the file
> is an image file or not.  If it thinks it is it logs an error message about
> the magic number and aborts the print.
> QUESTION: 1) Is there anything else I need to do as far as setting things up?
>           2) What's the best way to get an RGB image sent to this printer?
> Thanks in advance...

	I've been printing over the ethernet onto a Tektronix 4693DX and getting
nice results.  First I run:
		/usr/lib/print/k93print file.rgb > tmpfile

Then I merely catenate tmpfile into the device associated with the printer. 
For example, if the printer is hooked into serial port 4:
		cat tmpfile > /dev/ttyd4

Hope this helps you.

*  Marc Friedman 
*  The Mitre Corporation 
*  7525 Colshire Drive   
*  McLean, VA  22102     
*  M/S W291            
*  (703) 883-5247 
*  E-mail: marc at mitre.org 

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