MAN pages in nroff format

John D. McCalpin mccalpin at
Tue Aug 21 22:26:41 AEST 1990

>>>>> On 20 Aug 90 17:05:10 GMT, ciemo at (Dave Ciemiewicz) said:

> As for the Documentor's Work Bench requirement for unformatted manual pages,
> it is still very true.  If you want to put unformatted manual pages on your
> IRIS and have the man command on the IRIS format them, you must have nroff on
> that IRIS which implies that you must have the Documentor's Work Bench on
> that IRIS.  This is true if you want a solution from Silicon Graphics.

Another option is groff (GNU roff) from the Free Software Foundation.
It requires g++ in order to compile, which in turn requires gcc.  I am
still at the second stage (installing g++), so I can't vouch for how
well groff works.  It is supposed to replace nroff, troff, and psroff....
John D. McCalpin			mccalpin at
Assistant Professor			mccalpin at
College of Marine Studies, U. Del.	J.MCCALPIN/OMNET

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