MAN pages in nroff format

Peter Jaspers-Fayer SOFPJF at VM.UOGUELPH.CA
Mon Aug 20 02:06:19 AEST 1990

      TN3270 (and others) have unformatted MAN pages (nroff format).
`man man` states that I need the 'Documentor's Workbench' before I
can use them in usr/local/catman/bla/bla...  Humbug!!  If I could
just format them once, pack them, and file them in the right place,
I could do man on them no problem.  I did `man tn3270 > tn3270` on
a NeXT, packed the result (into a ...z file) on my Iris, and that
works OK, SO:

Neither man nor apropos say anything about *roff, other than deroff
which more clearly states that I need the workbench before I can
nroff anything.  Finaly, the question:  Surely a public-domain nroff
exists out there somewhere?  I have scanned indexes for comp.sources.
unix and other places to no avail.  Has anyone seen same somewhere?
Better yet, has anyone seen a PD Irix port of nroff?  Surely I'm not
the first one to ask?

/PJ                                                SofPJF at VM.UoGuelph.Ca
(Probably also reachable (until ?) at             SOFPJF at UOGUELPH.BITNET)
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